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Bristol Ride Accident Yesterday

Jonny Jones

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Hey! Yesterday in Bristol I came off my bike and badly sprained (I hope, at least thats what the doc said) my right ankle. I just want to say thanks so much to everybody who helped me! Mr Singleton who phoned the ambulance, John and Chris for helping keep my bike and bag etc safe, and also Porter for his wit in keeping people smiling, even though I wasn't haha! So happy to have you all as mates, thanks so much!!! ^_^

Only downside now is that im out for a week, on crutches - could have been a lot worse though!!

Cheers again people!!


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Sounds nasty... get it checked by a Physio NOW Jonny, if you need crutches then it doesn't sound like just a sprain :(


Might not need them but just given them to keep his weight off it?

same happened to me ages ago...

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ye as adam has said, if your on crutches it could be ligaments. (N)

if you see a decent physio they will get you back on the road and it should heal much better with the treatment they give. from my experience of ankles/ligaments its not worth letting it go and thinking it is "what" the doc says, alot of the time they cant tell so they just guess whats wrong.

Good show to all who helped (Y):)


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In my experience their advice is mixed/useless, see a physio!

Same, i was told when i hurt my back that it was just a muscular thing, and that it would settle down within a few months, 5 years of pain later and a few more visits to hospital with no help, i was pointed in the direction of a chiropractor and found out i had a twisted pelvis and the chiropractor sorted it within 6 sessions. Why the f**k couldn't the NHS find that out? Would of saved me from taking so many days off school cos i couldn't move... tossers :(

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same goes for me when i sprained my foot in bristol a few years back. everyone was nice, except OBM who stole my change after buying a drink for me. :P (which he happily informed me of once i got back to swedenland).

oh and i had to be on crutches for like 3-4 days before i could walk (and when i did, it was paiiiinful) but no breakage. just badly sprained.

get well soon.

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Just because an X-ray doesn't show anything up doesn't mean there isn't something wrong!

(Y) hence why i hardly go to the doctors. last time i went with a chest infection i had a mere cold. only 2 weeks later i went back he changed his mind. and when i did something to my ankle whilst doing flatland weirdly... they put me in a cast "just in case" it was a hairline fracture because nothign showed up on xray

ah well get well soon and nice one to those who helped :D

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Thanks 4 all the replies! Doesn't fill me with a lot of confidence about what the docs said now ive heard your experiences! I'll ask my mum about the pysio cos she works at the hospital near to us. A member of the forum has given me a number of one as well.

Cheers for now!


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same goes for me when i sprained my foot in bristol a few years back. everyone was nice, except OBM who stole my change after buying a drink for me. :P (which he happily informed me of once i got back to swedenland).

You said I could keep it you b*****d :P

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Gald your ok mate, Similar happened to me on one of the DJ rides.. Crank snapped and sent me chin first into a wall :(

Cant remember who, but someone looked after my bike and andy p gave me a lift to the hospitol so i'll use this as a chance to say thx :)

get well soooooooooooooooooooooooon xxx

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ye as adam has said, if your on crutches it could be ligaments. (N)

That's what a sprain is, when you stretch/tear a ligament. Obviously there are degrees of damage that can be caused - from just a bit of a tweak that requires a day's rest to a full blown ruptured ligament that needs surgery, and everything in between.

If you've fallen very badly then you need to go to A&E to get an x-ray to make sure it's not broken. After that you're probably better off seeing a physio because they will know the treatment for any ligament problems. A&E docs won't know that much really - it's not their job really.

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Sorry for the bump. Spoken to Simon today the Physio, ive got a grade 3 ankle sprain...

"A Grade III (Third Degree) sprain is the most severe. This indicates that the ligament has been significantly damaged, and that instability has resulted. A grade III injury means that the ligament has been torn.

The lateral ligaments are the most commonly injured. On the lateral side, the ligaments are typically damaged in a direction that goes from the front to the back, with the most severe injury being in the front (anterior) and the least severe being in the back (posterior). Therefore, the most commonly damaged ligament is the anterior talo-fibular ligament and the least commonly damaged is the posterior talofibular ligament.

The sprain occurs when the ankle is turned unexpectedly in any direction that is further than he ligaments are able to tolerate. Typically, the sprain occurs with running, jumping, sharp direction changes, or stepping on uneven ground. The risk factors for having an ankle sprain include, uneven ground, previous untreated ankle injuries, being overweight, or using poorly fitting or worn out shoes. "

Here's hoping it heals soon ish haha!

EDIT: Went to A+E again today, had an ex-ray and apparently theres no break or fracture, and the pain im having when trying to walk is soft tissue swelling basically! Cheers again to everybody who helped, just a week or so now of resting and gentle exercising.


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