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What To Get?


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purchase an envelope (you should be able to get a big enough one)

and some stamps and send it to me.


or go on tartybikes

which ever you prefer

in fact buy another stamp and another envolope and send half to me aswel :P

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heres personally what i would do with that money

smoke some of it

wipe my arse with some more

beat a chav to death with a massive wad of £20 notes

insert a couple of fivers into his nose so hes actually of some worth to a graveyard

then id spend the rest learning how to weld and make my own frame :)

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Just get a new bike. If you had been in such a bad car accident would you not have whiplash and not even be thinking aout trials at the moment? Also i thought you nede to be 18 to be able to use money given to you by the insurance :blink: someone from school hada bad accident in car and is ot allowed the money from insurance until they ar 18.


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Just get a new bike. If you had been in such a bad car accident would you not have whiplash and not even be thinking aout trials at the moment? Also i thought you nede to be 18 to be able to use money given to you by the insurance :blink: someone from school hada bad accident in car and is ot allowed the money from insurance until they ar 18.


how do you know hes not talking crap like normal?

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Thats what im trying t get at if he had been in a crash and got that sort of cash he would not be able to access i until he wa 18 and he would have whiplash so if he did get a new bike he would not be able to ride it for a few week/months.


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i have £1250 i dent want to spend it all but about 3 quarters of it what shall i do new bike or Lodz of new good bits?

Woody Stop Lien So Much

dent know if any one with agree with me but i think onza-trials and nostrils are the same person, and this is why.

1: they both joined at the same time with just 1 day difference

2: they both post loads of topics at the same time.

dont know what you lot think. paul.

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dent know if any one with agree with me but i think onza-trials and nostrils are the same person, and this is why.

1: they both joined at the same time with just 1 day difference

2: they both post loads of topics at the same time.

dont know what you lot think. paul.

Trials-Forum conspiracy

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dent know if any one with agree with me but i think onza-trials and nostrils are the same person, and this is why.

1: they both joined at the same time with just 1 day difference

2: they both post loads of topics at the same time.

dont know what you lot think. paul.

sorry about the very bad spelling dont what i was doing :blink:

Trials-Forum conspiracy

yes i think your right lol

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