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Big Bang And Wheel Outta Line...


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Basically i f**ked up my rim and so got it sent off to my mates house to get it fixed. Jack very kindly lent me a wheel, i set it up and it was running smooooth i got a puncture so took the wheel out fixed it put it back in a now this is happening, ill get my bike set up to run perfectly nice and smoothly, my chains too long to use snal cams and the frames too short to use tensioners so just leave it and its been fine for 6 months...

Basically the bike runs nice and smooth when i do small stuff but on the pre-load for a gap or on take off theres a big bang and the chain comes out of line :S ive tightened it up so tight ive snapped 4 allen keys, and still it just keeps going bang and i really cant understand it.... i dont really wanna buy anything for it becuase before the puncture it ran smooth and afterwards it wont?

half link chain so i can use tensioners?

I dont like the fun bolts on my mates hub seem really bitty?

i just dont know what to do! just really f**ked off becuase it really cant be explained and i dont understand, something im not doing right?

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check for a bent/mis-shapen tooth on your cogs.

Yea the rear 1 is missing 2 teeth but has for 2 years now... and ran fine before i had to change my puncture :S

kick it?

Did that my foot still hurts, went for the half volley so the top of my foot.....

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This has got bad jock stamped all over it. I personally think you are a mad man for running a rear cog thats missing 2 teeth. And you've pretty much answered your own question.

seriously? oh well ok then.... ill wait a few weeks till ive ordered new spokes and built up my old wheel and give jack his back... seriously though... this hub has been run by so many people like this and they've had no problems what-so-ever... but i guess it could be my problem, and the chain is always jumping off the rear cog regularly... ok maybe i was a stupid topic although its been running mine smoothly before i fixed the puncture thats all i cant quite understand....

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When you say the chain comes out of line, do you mean that the wheel is moving in the dropouts or something else?

Because if the wheel is moving in the dropouts what's happening is: as you pre-load. the hub is experiencing a force towards your bottom bracket, but the bolts are holding the hub back (by pressing their heads and the outside edge of the hub against the dropout), however eventually you will overcome the force exerted by the hub bolts and when you do so, if it slips suddenly it can make a big bang. Check if your dropouts have scratches from front to back, if they do it's a good indication this is happening.

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Well, that's almost definitely where the noise is coming from, I suggest you check your dropouts for damage and smooth them off if they are, then check the inside of the fun bolts and the ends of the hub in case they've been damaged.

The only thing I can think of to cure it would be to put something like sandpaper in there, but I'm not at my best right now after 4 hours sleep then climbing...

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All you need to do is sort out the chain length/gearing so you can run some chain tensioners. With horizontal dropouts, the wheel WILL move when you put trials forces through them when gapping etc. If you can't use snail cams, get yourself some BMX 'lollipop' type tensioners and it'll sort it. Also get a new rear sprocket, for the sake of your chain/back/head if nothing else...


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Im afriad you have to run snail cams. Unless you take a grinder to some chain tugs but even then its not garenttied to work as there might not be enough adjustment as they are small drop outs. If your going to run snail cams I have found monty ones to be the best as they have notches which helps them not slip and also the notches arnt to big giveing good adjustment.

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Snail cams are the easiet thing to operate, I really don't know why people can't get on with them.

From what you've said I can imagine what your like, exactley the same I was before I took a break from riding, now im pretty particular about what I put on my bike.

I had a rear cog on a wheel for less than 2 months and ended up I should have removed my crank instead) so when turing the back wheel to turn the chain off one of the cogs got slightly bent, I didn't notice this at all, couldn't see anything obvious but everytime I pedale the chain 'skipped' almost like missing one engagement and hitting the next one.

I don't know your experiances with snail cams but get a good set of notched ones, I use monty ones and honestly havn't had a problem, I have only ever had to re-tension my wheel once, due to riding, all other times have been to remove the wheel or set up brakes etc.....They are tidier than those ugly bmx style 'tugs' and won't leave a nasty bolt scratch in your dropout, they don't break when you fall on them either......

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youve been using his wheel for 6 months!!! if thats not taking advantage i dont know what is, i bet he though a week maybe two before you get yours fixed and half a year later where is he :turned:

What mate? ive had it for like 2 weeks and ridden 1ce... so i dont know what your chatting about

just ordering my new spokes today

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I run chain tugs okish on my Gu. You will need to grind the back off them to get enough tension and possibly getting a half link would make it work even better, I haven't botherd and my chain is quite slack. I also get the wheel jumping problems though, so it could be a GU thing?

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