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Koxx Days Pics


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Agreed on the AliC wallride, a beautiful picture! Sweeeeeeeet pics Mike, you've got trials photography totally dialled (Y) The snake one's awesome too.

How much work do you do on the photos once they're on your computer? Do you just crop them or do you fudge with them a little, enhancing colours, etc?

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Cheers guys!

Rob, I shoot in Raw, so I always straight away correct exposure, colours, and contrast, and do any straightening or cropping etc. Once I've imported it into PS, often it's just a resize and sharpen then go, or sometimes I do some layering techniques to correct highlights shadows etc... It's certainly a lot less than I used to do!

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Raw - I havn't got a clue what that is - is it simply just you getting the camera all set-up right before taking the pic?! Forgive me for my distinct lack of photography knowledge. It's something that really interests me but I know nothing!

Well, I guess that makes it 2 things that you're very good at to make a dece photo :P

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Cheers guys!

Rob, I shoot in Raw, so I always straight away correct exposure, colours, and contrast, and do any straightening or cropping etc. Once I've imported it into PS, often it's just a resize and sharpen then go, or sometimes I do some layering techniques to correct highlights shadows etc... It's certainly a lot less than I used to do!

just out of curiosity mike..how mnay photos did u take..in raw..and how does it take to upload to the computer??

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Raw - I havn't got a clue what that is - is it simply just you getting the camera all set-up right before taking the pic?! Forgive me for my distinct lack of photography knowledge. It's something that really interests me but I know nothing!

Well, I guess that makes it 2 things that you're very good at to make a dece photo :P

Ah sorry, Raw is a file format, it basically is what the camera captures before doing the processing and saving the Jpeg, so you've got much more detail in the image to work with. (Y)

just out of curiosity mike..how mnay photos did u take..in raw..and how does it take to upload to the computer??

I shot in total 1200 pics (1st file name - last file name from the trip), and dunno how long it took, used 4 cards, must've been about an hour? Was about 10gb anyways.

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my fav :lol: :lol:

I shot in total 1200 pics (1st file name - last file name from the trip), and dunno how long it took, used 4 cards, must've been about an hour? Was about 10gb anyways.

yeah was nearly half that number wasnt it mike? :P ace pics man im sure youve photoshopped the one with me in, i cant be that ugly :o :o :P

edit: and waddys legs!! :lol::P

Edited by PaRtZ
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HAHAHAHA, absolute quality. How long were we laughing at that first picture for?! :lol:

All those picture's are insanely good, Mike. It's been a long wait, but definately worth it :) ! They bring back fond, fond memories of what was such an amazing week. I seriously cannot wait for next year :D .

Thanks again...



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mike ! there all ace !!!

could you post up the best one from my super pigion when my shoe broke !?

cheers maytee !!

nothing on the hub yet ??


(i already cant wait for next year)


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