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How Much Do You Weigh?


How Much Do You Weigh?  

197 members have voted

  1. 1. You Weight?

    • <7 Stone (45kg)
    • 7-8 Stone (45-51kg)
    • 8-9 Stone (51-57kg)
    • 9-10 Stone (57-64kg)
    • 10-11 Stone (64-70kg)
    • 11-12 Stone (70-76kg)
    • 12-13 Stone (76-82kg)
    • 13-14 Stone (82-89kg)
    • 14-15 Stone (82-75kg)
    • >15 Stone (75kg)
  2. 2. Height?

    • <5'2 Foot (1.57m)
    • 5'2 - 5'4 Foot (1.57m-1.63m)
    • 5'4 - 5'6 Foot (1.63m-1.68m)
    • 5'6 - 5'8 Foot (1.68m-1.73m)
    • 5'8 - 5'10 (1.73m-1.78m)
    • 5'10 - 6'0 Foot (1.78m-1.83m)
    • 6'0 - 6'2 Foot (1.83m-1.88m)
    • 6'2 - 6'4 (1.88m-1.93m)
    • >6'4 Foot (1.93m)

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and simpson, nah wasnt me who posted a pic with my top off,

No sorry i was thinking about this pic of you

You look propper skench in that one! yea i think i was about 12% fat last year when we did it in PE and an ectomorph? although i was slightly underweight at 10 stone

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6ft. 10 stone.


Ha ha, f**k off are you.

I'm 6ft5, 16.5 stone.

They're not cheap pegs (Y)

£8 for two.

Bloody Re-Enforced :)

Thats cheap. I'd be suprised if they didn't bend to be honest. Buy cheap, buy twice ;).... get some decent ones for £10 or more, probably go for around £15.


Looks like I'll be needing a new back wheel soon =O

thanks for telling me this. I'll be losing weight soon.

5.11 (Might be 6 ft now)

10 - 13 Stone.

Flip the axle over so it bends back... you'll get a bit more life out of it. Just repeat when severely bent.

Edited by Krisboats
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Ignore this post most people,

Its really quite weird how much these Stats are following the normal distribution graph! (Been doing Stats today)

hahaha youv'e made me tempted to work out the coefficent of the line now.... meh ill do some stats with our stats tonight maybe!

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You will be at least 5% fat I'm sure. You need fat around all your organs, it's essential. Even in his Mr Olympia phase, Arnold Schwartzenegger still had something like 3% body fat, and that was only a temporary thing for the competition.

Aye, fair do's. I've never had a body fat test thing done but I'm just saying that my body 'doesn't do' fat, on the outside at least... And Chris- full time job? Pah, never set foot in a gym in my life! Sit at a desk 8 hours a day, eat the normal crap and ride my bike every so often is enough for me. Seriously should look into selling myself to medical science... also of note for that case is that I never get bitten by mosquito's. Could be worth millions to the right people :D


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hahaha youv'e made me tempted to work out the coefficent of the line now.... meh ill do some stats with our stats tonight maybe!

Lol! Forget that! I just thought id point it out! Do have fun if you do though, and make sure you post it up, I'm bound to figure out the standard deviation etc etc for it as revision though.

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