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Home Drilling Rims

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i did mine my self i just got a drill bit that was wide enoguh to be worth doing but not so wide that it nearly touched the side walls,

i just took the wheel of took all the stuff of it (like rim tape, obviously) and drilled it,

i didnt clamp the wheel of any thing there made of a soft enough alloy to just push down,

also use a centre punch before ytou drill it this makes the bit stay where you want it.

the wheel i drilled out was some onza half fat i think (front 26")

ive rode with it for ages and i havnt had to true it yet.

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Yes you can do but when you do it take your time and i would find your self a pillar drill it will be a lot easer than just a normal drill.

practice on some old rims (Y)


Edited by (chief)
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i would find your self a pillar drill

Not sure that you would be able to get quite the right angle on the rim to do that as you wouldnt be able to keep the rim square on... i would imagine a hand drill would do fine to be honest.....

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Yeah, pillar drill might not be the best option.

I'd leave at least 5mm each side of the sidewall for the drill bit, don't want to make cheese out of it!

Also, carefully mark it out, make sure they're all in the same place as an unevenly drilled rim is likely to be very pissed and off balanace.

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i have done it! use i think an 8mm drill bit, a bit of force and away you go. you will need an alrite drill though, as the 1st one i used couldnt get through, so i ended up using a plug in one(into the wall). i only did it to my front rim though as i wouldnt trust doing it to the rear! (Y)

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I did it to my alex rim on my old koxx ages ago. Ended up looking really professional. haha. Best thing to do is clamp the rim in a black and decker workmate, and use a powerfull steady drill (kind that usualy have/need a second handle) and just take your time. I marked out exactly where I wanted them, and then center punched it, then drilled it to 5mm, then used a hole saw with a 6mm pilot. Will give by far the best results.

A hole saw will give a much better, rounded hole than a plain old drill bit, especialy at that size, and will cost alot less than a stepped hole cutter.

Hole saw:


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