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Diference Between Wide And Narow Rear Rim?


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I am geting a new frame in few days(base ta26), i will also get a hope pro2 but i am having troubles with rims.So my guestion is, how big is the diference between mavic ex721(28mm wide) and alex dx32(39mm wide) for balance on the rear?I ride street but i will try some natural...

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Well i think that the wider the rim is the wider the tyre can be so that must mean more grip. If you think about it imagine a thin rim with a tyre its going to be quite thin but with a wider rim the tyre can be spread out more so there will be more surface area therefore more grip, well thats my view on it anyway hope this helped (Y)


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Hi , the differednce between wider and narrower rims are that when you put the tyre on the rim , the wider the rim , the tyre will be wider which will give a wider 'footprint' and therefore more grip. However wider rims tend to be heavy , especially undrilled wide rims. So unless your a weight nut and want a feather light bike , the narrow mavic will be fine but obviously won't give as much of a footprint. The alex rim will make the back end a bit heavyer as well so you would have to bear that in mind as well.

cheers ,Nile

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The narrow rims (well 521's or whatever they are now) are stronger than the wider rims, but don't have as good tyre profile so can be prone to your tyre folding over when you run low psi

I don't know whether they make balancing any easier, as I didn't notice any difference when i moved on to a ronnie from a 521, but I suppose ronnies arent super wide like some of the others

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I haven't used the wider rims so don't know how strong they are, but Mavic have been making rims for years and years longer than the new companies so I'd say they probably know what they're doing better.

The 729 is stronger and wider than the 521/721 but its disc only, not as wide as the trials specific ones but its lighter.

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