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An Onza With Crap Graphics :s


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Here is my new bicycle, she has two wheels and some handlebars, not bad eh?

edit, lol:






Seems to ride rather nice, after ragging it today in the ridiculously nice weather! gave her a few birth marks as well :$ even with the armadildo and gay rubber s*** tied to my bike.

Massive change to my t-rex, trying a new gear ratio as well...need to buy a new stem for her though cause i repeatedly twat my thigh on the handlebars, and now finding walking rather difficult. Should hopefully get rid of the gash decals and stick some thinkbikes 1's over the top ;) cause i like the sparkly paint job, by that time she will be complete....:D

Steve xxx

Edited by STEVE-0
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can you give me an honest opinion of how it rides? because i may be getting hold of one in the future and want to know what they're like?

thanks ryan (Y)

Honestly...ok, well. Instant reaction - oh my god my feet are in the air! A few seconds - This is cool. Lil Spin - Could do majority of stuff, feeling reallly nice, enjoying the new lighter frame. A Day's ride - Pretty swish, not much i couldnt do anymore except sidehop backwheel, sidehops were a little off top form but new stem will really help...

All i can say so far mate. Joe Maher seemed to love his when i spoke to him, amazing value for money!!

yea steve very nice bike but not as nice as mine :P but then again you was riding tewn times better than me, that sidehop and hook was sweet as a jar of sweets :S

nice bike hope to ride with you soon geez

Yes man, sure thing, hope to see some of that footage some time :D


err. i never realised there were that many about seen only joe maher ride 1 in person and like 2 others on the forum....its like my t-rex all over again innit - high demand....must mean something. (....yea ok its dirt cheap >_< )


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Should hopefully get rid of the gash decals and stick some thinkbikes 1's over the top ;) cause i like the sparkly paint job, by that time she will be complete....:D

I wouldnt hold your breath...spode has been meaning to send me stickers for about 4 months :P He still hasnt done so :P

Spode if you read this,,,WHERE ARE MY STICKERSSSS??

lol, bike looks good steve ... i can imagine ur next vid already..its actually gonna be sick.

New bar and stem those. Definatly. Get some zoo's ( bars ) , flat bars are for gays :P xx

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Its simple really...

I like to change frames like i change my underwear..i get bored quickly.

and with the zenith..i havnt got bored yet..theres just something about it. Its like the mac daddy for everything, its like an round frame..not just good for specific stuff..its good at everything..and thats y ive still got mine. :)

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Its simple really...

I like to change frames like i change my underwear..i get bored quickly.

and with the zenith..i havnt got bored yet..theres just something about it. Its like the mac daddy for everything, its like an round frame..not just good for specific stuff..its good at everything..and thats y ive still got mine. :)

agreed, i have one as well and it is just so nice at everything, i cant justify gettign anything else at the mo.

also it dont look like it is going to break anytime soon (super strong frames)

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dirrrt cheap!

but it feels horribel..just like your t-rax did because you refuse to sort your bloody brakes!

look areet mind (Y)

innit man, i dunno how you ride with brakes like that dude, but fair play personally perference i spose, bike looks minted i prefer it to ur t-rex anyways! you seem just as good on it by yesterdays performance anyway! and you dented it hahahaha! noob

Edited by 1handedluke
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