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Angry Man In Birmingham On Saturday.

Danny Kearns

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if i saw him push max i wud have battered him........


i agree these people are annoying but you can't just go around 'battering' people.

seriously, how shit are you??

i'm all up for self defense, and even revenge, but to 'batter' someone for a shitty little push?

at least wait until they've hit you, if i went mental on everyone that pushes me i would be in a fight every day.

to act all hard on the internet makes you look like such a retard, there is video evidence of you/your type in this very thread, and not one of you was anywhere near battering anyone, so until you actually do, stop making stupid comments.

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i agree these people are annoying but you can't just go around 'battering' people.

seriously, how shit are you??

i'm all up for self defense, and even revenge, but to 'batter' someone for a shitty little push?

at least wait until they've hit you, if i went mental on everyone that pushes me i would be in a fight every day.

to act all hard on the internet makes you look like such a retard, there is video evidence of you/your type in this very thread, and not one of you was anywhere near battering anyone, so until you actually do, stop making stupid comments.

Hmmm. Touchy. I think i was about the closest and that wasn't very far off. He only needed to push me that little bit furhter and that would of been it. Full blown damage to the face the lot. :P . But seriously if i could go back in time i would of caused best damage i could. I never know. It may of been a bad thing and i may of got twated. Who knows but atleast i would have tried.

How are you to judge how people were feeling that day ? You can tell by facial expressions now can you.

I think not.


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well all i can say is, if you get worked up so much over that then you must have led a very sheltered life.

someone telling you off for riding on a wall is nothing.

Pushing beau off a post which could of leaded to him falling face first into a lampost. Him swearing at me alot. Coming into my face. Kicking and hitting max when he was in a cast. he had a massive obsession with saying "i dont give a monkeys f**k".

The thing is. I have always lived by one rule in life. Don't take no shit from nobody for any reason. If they start giving it the big one you deal with it.


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The thing is. I have always lived by one rule in life. Don't take no shit from nobody for any reason. If they start giving it the big one you deal with it.


i agree, he had no right to say the things in the manner that he did, but if you sit back and watch it there is nothing in there at all that deserves a 'battering'.

i'm just a bit annoyed at you lot coming on and posting shit like you would kick his ass, when you had the opportunity and didn't do anything about it. don't say, "oh i would of done this" and "next time i'm gonna do that" when you quite clearly haven't or won't.

for the record i have been in similar/worse situations, and the best thing is just to stay calm and defuse the situation. i can tell by your shaky disjointed voices that non of you were gonna kick off, and the next time this happens i'm willing to bet my balls you won't do anything again.

maybe if he smacks you in the face, but i doubt that will happen.

i don't wanna argument, i'm not even that bothered, but i couldn't help but comment on the stupid things being said.

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Oh please PM me next time one of these is on, I`ll try and come, Barber till tell me some of the shit that went on.

Still got a fooked knee so can`t ride proper yet but getting there :)

Oh..did you guys like my bike zoo was riding? the monty that was built from bits off the forum.

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i agree, he had no right to say the things in the manner that he did, but if you sit back and watch it there is nothing in there at all that deserves a 'battering'.

Only half of it is on video. If you weren't there then how can you say he didn't deserve anything.

Pushing Beau off his bike?

Kicking someone who has a broken foot?

We were all being reasonable he was the one kicking off and swearing, trying to insult everyone and then pushing and kicking people.

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to be fair he was asking for a beating, me and rick were in a similar situation a while ago with some fat drunk, then another timne with a guy with an alsation, never got into fist fights though.

i think you kinda did right by sticking around, that guy was obviously full of shit, an to tell you to go back to your neck of the woods actually pissed me off

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Pissed myself.

Love you Beau.

Wanted to see Max get kicked though :( :( :(

damn you Hook damn you...

You see him wack the camera after he gets up in Bessels face...i pressed pause after so it didnt record :(

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Aah that guy's funny. I've had a couple of confrontations with him in the past - nearly hit me a few times. Good on you for filming it.

Despite the fact that he's not doing anything wrong in asking us to move on, if he wasn't a complete penis about it then noone would have any problems.

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:S i dont really see the funny side of it to be honest. If he pays for the maintanance and up-keep of that wall then really he does havve every right to tell you to f**k off? If 20 kids came up to a wall i pay to keep looking nice and there all riding it.. sure it would f**k me off, I wouldnt be such a fanny about it.. but still would have told you to go away. I mean i know everyone on here will say, "tryes dont damage walls" but we all know people dont always nail it first time and will slip to bash and take a chunk out of the wall. meh, not bothered about an argument to be honest

And if anyone would have smacked him then you would have been the biggest mugg ever, he hardly pushed Beau off his bike, he more like poked him with his left arm, hardly GBH or anything to stress about, it was enough to put him off but not exactly hurt him.... just chill out a bit guys! Im not really up for trouble out on rides, nodd agree move on and then come back when the shop isnt open?

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i have just watched that vid and it was funny as hell why didn't you just smack him and then carry on ridin lol what a laugh that would have been lol ps where abouts is this sooo that me, joe oakley, rob poyser, and slinger can pop down for a ride cus it looks funny lmao :lol: you lot had some proper patience hahahahahaha

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QUOTE(danny B @ Apr 16 2007, 09:36 PM)
i have just watched that vid and it was funny as hell why didn't you just smack him and then carry on ridin lol what a laugh that would have been lol ps where abouts is this sooo that me, joe oakley, rob poyser, and slinger and Danny Kearns can pop down for a ride cus it looks funny lmao :lol: you lot had some proper patience hahahahahaha

Its in Birmingham Danny. Ill show you where it is you want.


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