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Strange Wheel Build

Mike Beck

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If you want it go ahead and get it... if the wheels do buckle loads then buy some new ones.


money dont grow on trees and would take ages for me to save up for some new 1's, and i dont want something new thats just going to buckle straight away.

They say in the description that the wheels are 32 hole so it's just the picture that's funny. A 32h will be more than strong enough for what that bike is designed for.

the wheel is 32h but is built the way that the picture suggests, it says the bike is a freeride monster of a bike so should hold up.

If the wheels do end up buckling realy bad then i could complain to CRC??


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Looks alright mate, from the other parts on it looks like its designed to put up with whatever you throw at it...

They should hold up, and as its a full build they will be professionally built etc so should be fine!

Go for it bud!

Nathan (Y)

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To be fair, for that money you'd be a fool not to buy it. And seriously. I know its extra money, but as said above, if the wheels break, you've already got an amazing deal and saved sooo much money that its still worth it. That would be an amazing deal even with no wheels!

Also with the hubs being 32h still, it obviously means you would only need rims and spokes to get a normal wheel set-up, which is gunna cost 100 quid max.

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It looks a bit odd at first, but if it was uber weak they wouldn't be selling them like that.

Anyway, what i would do is email in and ask them. Use the 'ask question' link above the items description. That way we all get to see the responce.

But if your ordering asap, i wouldn't worry about it, and get it bought befor they sell out.

That's a hell of a price too! 50% off, bitchin! (Y)

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