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Yeah, they are awesome. Although I would wait until they come down in price and some more games come out for it.

And I played it on a big HD tv, so I think my opinion on them being awesome is a bit bias compared to someone who played it on a normal tv.

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hmmmmm seems he has a few facts right an wrong, i work for gamestation to be honest i would buy a ps3, just for the exclusive titles for it aka mgs4 and final fantasy 13, there are alot of shared titles for the xbox and ps3, but for what the ps3 offers to get the add ons for the xbox it costs you about the same amount of money anyways i would personally right now buy a xbox cause of the amount of games but in the near future i would buy the ps3 = ]

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Yeah ps3 looks good but i would go for a 360 as its has a fast amount of games and is cheaper. and if the rumour that metal gear solid will be out for xbox 360, the 360 will be dominate in big games list.

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Yeah ps3 looks good but i would go for a 360 as its has a fast amount of games and is cheaper. and if the rumour that metal gear solid will be out for xbox 360, the 360 will be dominate in big games list.

its not true we have release listings plus

Speaking to CVG, a Konami spokesperson has clarified that despite rampant rumors that circulated over the weekend, "Konami has no plans to bring Metal Gear Solid 4 to the Xbox 360 at this time." Guns of the Patriots will still remain "exclusive to PlayStation 3."

there might be a metal gear solid for the 360 but it wont be the same!

Edited by LukeBrisaRider
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i have a brand new one for sale only want £350 for it if your interested, i have a topic in for sale section about it, here is a "linky"

it has neva been opened, and my dad needs the money for his motor bike otherwise i would have it lol.

i will ask my dad if he will drive it to you but im not sure if that is a bit far, maybe add like £10 or sumat and he might but i will ask him and repost in the ps3 topic asap

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Canser kills people...

just because its spelt wrong doesnt mean it isnt true.

Haha, you missed my point, he could be a 15 year old kid spouting off crap his mates at school told him, he doesnt have any links or evidence to back up his claims.

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Haha, you missed my point, he could be a 15 year old kid spouting off crap his mates at school told him, he doesnt have any links or evidence to back up his claims.

dude its not all crap you should search also pick up a ps3 magazine they say the same stuff its just some of what he is saying is rubbish an some isnt aka the stuff about it being too hard to make games for an its costing them alot of money to makes games for the ps3 this is true an the fact that it doesnt give as much memory to graphics this is also true,

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seriusly your better off just waitign till xbox 360elite is out give it 2 months...120gb hardrive, hd disk drive shiz, thats the only thing that ps3 has got on xbox 360 but not for long.

get a 360 anyhow, better console im my opion... gfx are same, online play on ps3 just totaly sucks, cant connect to pc on ps3 and game titles at the moment whats going on!!


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till xbox 360elite is out give it 2 months...120gb hardrive, hd disk drive shiz

Its not coming with a HD-DVD Drive at all, its coming with a HDMD lead or some shit, basically so you can play the 360 on a HD TV, and also run sound through a proper sound system.

I still firmly believe the PS3 is the biggest mistake ever, and every day i'm getting proved right. Every time i go past a Game shop, they have stock, almost begging people to buy them. Hell, Blockbuster dropped the price of theirs 120 quid after just 3 weeks because they couldn't shift them.

Save the 400 or what ever they are now and wait for the price to drop more, then spend the extra on more games and other add-ons.

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I love my PS3 - the graphics are incredible! The new Gran Turismo looks almost entirely real when you watch a replay, insane looks. Not to mention it has complete backwards compatibility, exclusive games such as MGS4, DMC4, Tekken 6 etc. However, I do think the price tag is outrageously high (this is justified though as you're paying for the technology) so it will sell slowly for now but probably pick up in time for Christmas when the price drops a bit.

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