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Hi Guy's;

Was just thinking about this today, so I thought i'd put the question out there to get some people's opinions.

Basically in a little over a month, I'm giving up Trials for a few years to go work as a Retail Manager on a Cruise Ship. I'll be travelling around the world 8 months a a time, and home for no longer than about 3 weeks per placement. Planning on doing this for about 3 or so years. The whole selfish reason is money. I'll be earning a decent amount of money, with the benefit of no overheads, as all accomodation and food is payed for. Perks obviously are getting to see the world. As it's technically as Duty Free shop, it has to shut when the ship docks at any prot. I'll be literally able to et off at every port - RESULT! It'll be a great chance to meet new people, make new friends ,and have the experience of a lifetime. The cost though is giving up everything I know and love. Trials will have to be put at the side for a few years, and I'll be about 29 before I'll be back on British Soil again long enough to get back on the bike on a regular basis. I'll be leaving all my friends amd family behind for a good few years. - With the people Ill meet on the ship, I may stay at there's during my breaks as oppossed to coming back to England.

Does it sound silly to say that whilst I'm excited - Anyone who knows me knows how much - Spode-Tall Rob-Chai-Dave Lowe. But at the same time i'm absolutely terrified!

Has anyone been in this situation before? Giving up everything you know to do something copmpletely new?

Just be nice to get some opinions


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The best idea I can come up with is to take up something you can do on the ship, I assume they have basketball courts, so try that, or squash, you'll find it's easy to replace one sort of physical exercise with another.

The emotional thing is hard, I go to university 400 miles from home, so far since I moved down in October I've been up for 7 days and 17 days.

I found it hard at first, I missed all my friends, even missed the rents a bit, but making friends at university made life a lot easier, as did staying busy. You can do the same, you'll make friends with your crew and probably some of the passengers too also it's really easy to keep in touch using the internet, e-mail and msn etc.

You'll get used to it, and don't be scared to talk to the older people on the crew, as I'll bet they'll have some excellent advice. (Y)

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ok never been in that sit but can you not just take your bike with you and do it in the spare time you have eg when you dock and stuff??

only idea


Don't think Darrens too worried about the giving up trials. Think its more to do with the leaving everything behind... In my opinion it sounds as though you've pretty much got your mind made up Darren. Just want reassurance that its the right thing to do and maybe a bit of encouragement. I'd say go for it. You only live once and how many people get the chance to go around the world... Do you have to do it for 3 years? I mean if you didn't like it, maybe you could give it up after the first year or after the first trip. See how you go. I'm sure you have full support from your family and friends and that so I say go for it and enjoy it. (Y)

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watch the film "the legend of 1900" pretty similar situation.id say go for it, imagine coming out after 3 years witha good few grand in your pocket, ready to buy anything you want and like you say you'll meet a lot of people and plenty of opportunities for one night stands etc. :rolleyes:

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plenty of opportunities for one night stands etc. :rolleyes:

Just make sure thats the last day of each cruise to avoid awkward journeys. ;)

Sounds like it would be good experience. But then 3 years is a long time, but i suppose when you think about it, it's not to different from doing a university degree.

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