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my m8 is going to get a trials bike aswell but we live in a village and no one else does trials biking so shall i just watch videos and buy like dvds etc to get the technics etc i can hop on back wheel 180 bunny hop and some other stuff is that a good start?

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Hi welcome to the forum, i also have a onza t-mag. Great bike (Y). My advice would be to upgrade the freewheel(assuming you havn't already) as that was what was holding me back at the start as i was always having to stop to tighten the lockring. Also watch closely how your friends perform tricks and i am sure they will teach you the basics if you ask them nicely.

Edited by mr ?
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  mr ? said:
Hi welcome to the forum, i also have a onza t-mag. Great bike (Y). My advice would be to upgrade the freewheel(assuming you havn't already) as that was what was holding me back at the start as i was always having to stop to tighten the lockring. Also watch closely how you friends perform tricks and i am sure they will teach you the basics if you ask them nicely.

or by paying them (Y)

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chaeck out www.tartybikes.co.uk everything you need bike wise is on there

if your mates just starting as well that will help as you will probably be around the same standard and will push each other etc.

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Hey I know what you mean where to start. Basically I was told to watch others. This isn't always easy but my best tip (passed through the trials generations) is to treat...


...as a bible. It takes you right through and also can show where most people go wrong. It sounds as if you’ve got a good basis but keep it up its all worth it!! ^_^

The most important thing is...keep it fun...

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  -ANT-ONZA- said:
is to treat...


...as a bible. It takes you right through and also can show where most people go wrong. It sounds as if you’ve got a good basis but keep it up its all worth it!! ^_^

The most important thing is...keep it fun...

true true

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  -ANT-ONZA- said:
Hey I know what you mean where to start. Basically I was told to watch others. This isn't always easy but my best tip (passed through the trials generations) is to treat...


...as a bible. It takes you right through and also can show where most people go wrong. It sounds as if you’ve got a good basis but keep it up its all worth it!! ^_^

The most important thing is...keep it fun...

Why isnt this kid validated? haha ^^

Yes true indeed.

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  -ANT-ONZA- said:
The most important thing is...keep it fun...

Couldn't agree more my friend.

It really gets on my nerves when you come across riders that take it too seriously. Trials is a sport designed for showing off and having a laugh with your mates not for getting wound up and putting yourself down. Try to think positive about your riding and keep in high spirits. It also helps if you keep an open mind when looking at a line; try not to say to yourself that you can't do it because if you make yourself believe that, the chances are you wont. But obviously no ones superman and trials has its limits so don't attempt lines that truly are too big for you or anyone for that matter.

Just remember these factors when you are out on your bike and you should enjoy trials biking to its full potential.

And remember, if you fall off and get hurt, just pick yourself back up again, have a 5 minute brake and get back on the bike, if you wait to long you tend to loose you're bottle and wont try it again.

Take care... Jack

Edited by harmertrials
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  harmertrials said:
Couldn't agree more my friend.

It really gets on my nerves when you come across riders that take it too seriously. Trials is a sport designed for showing off and having a laugh with your mates not for getting wound up and putting yourself down. Try to think positive about your riding and keep in high spirits. It also helps if you keep an open mind when looking at a line; try not to say to yourself that you can't do it because if you make yourself believe that, the chances are you wont. But obviously no ones superman and trials has its limits so don't attempt lines that truly are too big for you or anyone for that matter.

Just remember these factors when you are out on your bike and you should enjoy trials biking to its full potential.

And remember, if you fall off and get hurt, just pick yourself back up again, have a 5 minute brake and get back on the bike, if you wait to long you tend to loose you're bottle and wont try it again.

Take care... Jack

Why isn't he a member yet?!?! My fional point is yesterday I was getting annoyed at myself and found my riding got a lot worse so theres the proof for you haha. Also try and find ways of meeting new riders in towns near you, it will help you push yourself wether they're better then you or similar standard!

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  crf50boi said:
thanks what sort of freewheel as im only just getting started in trials so i dnt no thanks

I would highly recommend a try all freewheel, i have had mine for 5 months now and havn't had any problems with it. (Y)

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