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I'm On Telly Tonight


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Is it just me, or does the 'tube link not work? Says cannot find the video... Also the link to bbc says i need to install media player 7 or above or newest realy player... even though I have media player 11 and latest real player :S Suggestions?

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Nice one Leon!

You came across really well in the interview and the footage shown did your riding justice for sure!

Definately great publicity for Trials and you!

I can't resist saying "Nice Jumps!". The trials language doesn't come easily to those outside the sport!


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Wicked stuff! Great clips, and i think its good that the BBC see it as a sport, not "vandalism" as the police like to say.

And I was in the background on the clip where you fell off. Im famous! :ermm:

But on a serious note, well done, if i was being interviewed i would've just stuttered majorly.


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I'm just hypnotised. :blink:

Nice one. Good to see the BBC making out as a sport, and not just vandalism. :turned:

Yeah, it came up really cool... and didn't look at all like you could damage anything when riding except yourself ... which is good impression I suppose ^_^

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Well i would say he is... definatly a f**king insane rider! just because he doesnt post vids up on here every other week or boast about sponsers doesnt mean there not crazy riders.


I was majorly impressed with the riding, had no idea you were that good. :P

In one of the last clips, when she's saying "Don't try this on your own bikes.." is that a rail you go down? :blink:

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AWESOME!!!!!!!! Im so chuffed about all of this! Like everybody has been saying its great for the sport! The woman from the BBC rang me up yesterday to ask permission to use the Our Summer footage but I had no idea it was going out on air the same day! As Zane Lowe would say AWESOME!... AWESOME! Leon is a leg-end! Only thing is im sitting here down in Penzance, Cornwall, typing this and the PC im on doesn't have sound haha, so I'll have to wait until Saturday evening to hear Leon talkin'!

I recon with these two shows under the trials community's belt (Tunni, Leon) we will probably be seeing way more of our sport on the box! You never know, they may end up sending camera crews to the Nationals! ^_^ I know where im sending my CV hahaha!

Here's hoping!


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