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Herne Bay Tuesday 10th April

Tommy d

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Woah Mega change in plans. As a solution to the goons complaining, the ride is now going to be held at Dover and the Herne Bay ride has been re-scheduled to Friday. I may or may not be able to show my ugly mug on Friday but I will try as I am otherwise engaged. It'll most probably be an appearance later on in the day and I do not have a clue as to why I am writing so formally.

Yours truely


peace out (Y)

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Ok guys, looks like me and Gilly are still going to head to Herne Bay tomorrow for a little ride, it's not that we don't love you of course, just gonna stay a bit more local and maybe do some filming.

This is our last week before we go back to uni so we'll probably hit Dover some time in the summer. Not sure about Friday yet.

If anyone wants to meet us in Herne Bay they're still welcome, we'll hang around the clock tower about 11 for a bit.

Have a good ride in Dover peeps.

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