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Be A Man Or Wear Shinguards?


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haha, but, if you hit your head, your dead. basically.

But if you hit your shin, oh dear, a little bit of pain, dont be a pussy, get back on your bike, and ride... i did, with half the skin off my left shin hanging off, sock was all red round the rim of it off the blood, but kept riding lol... maaaaan that was a loooong time ago :mellow:

Its only pain, and a time bit off blood... but if you dont wear guards... after a while, you will get used to trying to keep on pedals, so you dont hit shin, that you wont slip any more... if your wearing guards, you say to yourself, ahh it doesnt matter if you slip, so you will slip... easy as...


spose. kind of have to agree with you there.

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soon you'll learn to not hit your shins

I could say that I don't have to wear a helmet as I could learn not to hit my head.

Football shin pads work, but I've had the occasion where I have hit above the pad, or have hit my knee, but I wouldn't want to feel too restricted with knee protection as well.

EDIT: Didn't see the above posts. =(

Edited by thutley
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i wear them when im downhilling, but thats mainly for knee protection. never worn them for trials, i find body armour in general too restrictive, hate wearing upper body for dh and i cant imagine ever using anything but gloves and a helmet for trials. just let your shins harden up and your pain threshold increase, you'll be better for it.

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Almost related to this, a question I ask is this.

Would you rather have pedals that grip really well, but when you slip off them you'll damage yourself more

Or would you rather have pedals that aren't as much grip, so you slip off more, but the injury is less.

Either way, shinpads like football ones aren't too restrictive for me, I guess its down to personal preference at the end of the day.

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Obviously, when you have less grippy pedals, and slip off more, its gonna hurt more... doesnt matter if the pins are smaller, its still a metal chuck twating you in the shin really hard...

Id go for really grippy pedals, so you dont slip off as much...

Couldnt really call V12 magnesiums VERY grippy though :S but i never slip a pedal :S

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Would you rather have pedals that grip really well, but when you slip off them you'll damage yourself more

Or would you rather have pedals that aren't as much grip, so you slip off more, but the injury is less.

It's weird, I've got some DX pedals and the pins are all pretty much gone or blunted, but I never seem to slip them. I think the shape on them is quite special, kinda concave to hold your foot. So yeah, best of both worlds (although they'd probably be wank in the wet).

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good shoes + good pedals + be a man and your sorted, you may aswell spend a little extra on some decent pedals and shoes, than buy rubbish shoes and pedals and have to fork out for shinnys.


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I think in the 11 years I've rode trials, I not worn shinpads when riding twice and both times my feet slipped off the peddles going over something easy, and bloody hell did that hurt!! Made me feel sick lol, got some gnarly scares though :)

Have a look through the TSG protection stuff, I've got a set of their shinpads and there mint!

Really solid at the front so nothing will get through them!, and the back of them covers your calf area fully so A) Protects the back of your leg from getting scatched up and B) you dont look silly having various bits of your leg showing haha.

You dont get very hot wearing them either, so Bonus!

Be a real man, WEAR shinpads!! (Y)


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i wear them 90% of the time only really hot sticky days a dont. I stopped wearing them for 1 year and i really regret it now, my legs are a complete mess and i feel embarassed telling people where i got my scars from so the last few years i have been wearing them and i also feel more confident too. I thought i was manlly now i feel like a fool so wear them!!!!

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£30 661 Veggie knee guards.

Be a man and wear shin pads!!!! your a fool if you dont and your prone to slipping off your pedals, iv been in that scenario and iv fallen out with having shin digs (yes some of you may think its kool) but dont forget shin digs can lead to infection and can lead to time off your bike.

wearing pads is better than the possibility of harming yourself and your health/body with infection.

My sis boyfriend snapped his leg clean in half playing football, and the way his leg got infected and how it affected him was well bad, my dad has always told me that my leg would get infected if i wasnt careful, therefore listened to him and started wearing shin pads again. (Y):) oh and when your 30 you wont have legs that are absolutly battered with dints and scars.


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altho i do have to say, i only wear them under tracksuit bottoms of trousers.

i dont really wear them when i have shorts on etc, (should really though, be safe all weather)

i only find it a pain on natural, street riding i dont tend to want to loose my pedals as much. :P:mellow:


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i wear football shins, but they only protect half my shin and obviously not my knee. knee and shins are only 20pounds so i suggest you invest in these mate. but footy ones will do half the job till you get knee and shins

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Clearly im not a man because i dont like scars all over my legs and chips in my shins. I used to think it was cool then i grew up and realised its pretty stupid. I use the cheap fox knee/shin guards and under trousers theyre fine. theyre pretty thin and light so they dont get too hot + i find you get used to the extra warmth so i dont notice it anymore. I found the knee guards to be pretty useful too when bailing off biggish stuff and it stops the wprst pain of kneeing your stem.

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