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Dislocated Toe


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I was out riding today, seeing as its half term and a nice day. I go down the seafront for a while, I go to do a tap and lean to far forward. I put my foot down to stop my fall and it pops and goes numb. I take my sock off and my middle toe is completely deformed. With the help of my mate Simpson, he pops it back in. It hurt loads but I was just laughing.


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haha joe you legend looks harsh that will teach you for taping if you was a silly mod boy you would only be going sideways stuff with speed is uncool cus im fat n lazy :P haha looks harsh anougher thing to add to your list of broken stuff aye andy? :P hope all go's well for you in sorting it out (Y)

Jack :)

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haha that looks soo cool.

Well it was bending upwards, I've got to go hospital now because where we put it back in my toe has swollen and won't move, which means I could have trapped a nerve. I'll probably be riding by tomorrow :lol:

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