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Hi, well first things first my name is Paul bell, (bellend to people that know me) I live in retford witch i think is mint to ride, oh yeah i have been riding for about 9 months. I try and ride when ever i can, even if know one is out, ill go out side my house, and i go somewhere most Saturdays with my mates. I only ride street Otho i want to try naturals, but their's nowhere round retford to do it. Any way more about my bike my first bike was a mission prodigy, then just after x mas i got a t-pro frame,


Quick spec:

well t-pro frame

t-master wheels

onza MM cranks

viz bars and

proto type stem

lite guy forks (but these are only temporary till i save up for some new ones)

White Maggie's

plaz on back

kool stops on front

try-all free wheel

Thats all for now thanks for reading, Paul bell.

Oh yes and i hope to become a positive member to the forum.

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What a bellend.

I jest, welcome to the forum, read the rules/guidelines and try to put as much detail into your posts as possible, and you shall be validated in no time. One of the better first topics i've seen this is.

Get your bum on a train with your mates and come Birmingham on Saturday the 14th :P

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Hello Mr New Guy!

Here's a few tips on getting validated quicker.

1. Read the guidelines.

2. Stop talking in bollocks text talk, it takes me a good while to translate it to any readable text.

3. There's a spell checker - use it if are illiterate / dyslexic.

4. Get rid of those god awful little ASCII pictures in your signatures.

I just noticed reading through how many 'tards there are posting rubbish replies and expecting validation!

It doesn't deeply trouble me I just find it funny that people can be so thick.

VA-LI-DATE it's easy as 1-2-3!

• First Visit? Read This!

• Do NOT post new threads asking when you will be validated

• Do NOT post new threads asking why you cant post anywhere else

• Do NOT email us when you realise you cant post anywhere else

• For Sale/Wanted/Swap threads are not allowed in New Members Chat

• Do NOT cross post between Members Chat forums and New Members Chat.

• Harassing Admins/Moderators via PM/Email/MSN WILL NOT get you validated any faster.

Also, don't go through the top 20 topics in New Members and add a pointless one line reply, like "Yeah I like them" or similar. It's pointless, and makes you look like a spastic when your name is on the last post of about 15 topics...

You will not get validated.

Saying mate, and I hope I have helped is getting a bit tedious to read recently and some new members seem to think that saying that will get them validated - it wont. One decent reply will get you validated, whereas 100000000 crap ones wont.

More tips:

Put as much information into your posts as possible. I can't stress how important it is.. dont leave people guessing what you mean, or having to ask you more, basic information before they can give you a reasonable answer.

If you dont have to say it, dont. Leave spammy chit chat to MSN, remember this is a discussion forum.

* don't swear

* use accurate punctuation

* for the love of Blofeld don't post in 1 block of text. Should I reply, I for one will provide a very bitchy response if I have to slowly read 8 lines of single sentance garbage

* respect the old more senior members of the forum

* don't bum

1. Good punctuation, m8 and yeah i lik wat u r thinkin will not get you anywhere closer.

2. Detail, the more information you put in the more likely you are to get validated.

3. Chit-chat is for MSN until you become validated then go to the Chit-chat section or leave it on MSN.

4. Language, I've been told sometimes to "watch my french" but the language I have seen on here will get you nothing but trouble. If you have nothing better to do then swear, really you should think about your life.

5. Finally be helpful, this sort of ties to:

We dont care what bike you ride

We dont care what different parts it has

We dont care who is anyones favourite rider

We dont care what size bike is someones favourite

All of the above have been posted aleast 5 times, so dont add a 6th

That giant with a joined top and downtube has been posted before

The batch multi coloured mod frame has been posted before

We dont care if you hate someone, grow some balls and tell them to their face

We dont care if you want to ride with a specific person in your area, use MSN

This isn't a chat room, use MSN if you want to talk shit, or talk to only person

It would help if people rear the New members Guidelines for a starters, then mod's wouldn't have to close topics

-Use the search before posting a topic to see if it has been posted before,

-Be more descriptive when writing, and mean what you are saying and not just writing to get the last post or to be the highest poster of that day.

-Also like many people have said before don't type in txt tlk, Because i'll be there for 20 minutes reading and trying to figure out what it all means And i'm sure this will apply to a few more people as well.

Good day.

Edited by scunny_trials_rider
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Firstly thanks for all the comments so far.

Welcome to the forum mate nice bike by the way how much has been spent on that.

Nice one cheers guys.

Hi ermm well all the bits i have bought up to now, i have spent about £200-£240. I have bought it bit by bit when i had the money to buy it, but thats not bad when you look at t-pros brand new are like £400 standard.

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I was lead to believe that makin new accounts when you all ready have one was fround upon by admin/mods? and for your erection game........ van wilder erection liaison :rolleyes: i am very sorry , dont know why its put it 3 times

Edited by padarik
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