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The BNP are always looking for new members, don't worry. Racism's just an interview and a rosette away ;)

actually I was thinking the bunch with the pointy hats and dresses might be a good bet - they seem to do everything with a bit more class than the BNP and you get a pet goat.

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NF is only a form and 18 quid away :).

As much as i support their chucking out of people that don't belong here i don't support them just chucking out every single non white - only the bluds (rudeboys) etc who cause all the trouble. And ones that dress up with their face/looking like a door (however important it is for their religion (christians weren't allowed to say merry christmas etc)) I think it looks hideous and they should be made to blend in as it were.

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And ones that dress up with their face/looking like a door (however important it is for their religion (christians weren't allowed to say merry christmas etc)) I think it looks hideous and they should be made to blend in as it were.

totally, some lady got in loads of trouble for wearing a cross on a necklace, and one of her colleagues as you said "dresses like a door". how very gay. poopipe you really do make me giggle.

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totally, some lady got in loads of trouble for wearing a cross on a necklace, and one of her colleagues as you said "dresses like a door". how very gay. poopipe you really do make me giggle.

Hmm, yeah the muslims do have a funny idea of dressing, altho it does look warm. Hindi's though, spot on. They have the most amazing clothes ever, so beautiful. I challenge you to wander through Leicester at Diwali without finding summat you fancy ;)

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does this include northern ireland in it, cos quite frankly i find it hard to believe thats theres more white irish than there is asian people in britain.although suppose it is 16 years out of date, and if it includes northern ireland, then that white irish figure seems stupid low.

We're British!! lol When in the mainland I get called a 'Paddy' is that racism? :rolleyes:

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I think some people on here don't know the difference between race and religion , Islam is a religion !! you can be any color and from any country and be a Muslim there are lots of white Muslims some of them have been involved in attempted bombings.

Race is what you are , religion is something you have a choice about.

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I think some people on here don't know the difference between race and religion , Islam is a religion !! you can be any color and from any country and be a Muslim there are lots of white Muslims some of them have been involved in attempted bombings.

Race is what you are , religion is something you have a choice about.

meh youd think that you would have a choice about religion, but in some places you dont. and race and religion often go hand in hand.

although technically your correct, but race isnt all about skin colour either, its geographical ancestory too. if someone genuinely was regarded as an african american in britain because of slavery, they would most likely by now be a 5th or 6th generation ibhabitant, making them decidedly english, 200 years of british family history. yet i know a girl, whose parents where both italian, and moved over here a couple of years before she was born, she speaks with an english accent (albeit a slightly upper class one), has white skin, and theres no way anyone in a million years, would tell her to go back to where she came from, as far as anyones concerned, shes as english as any of us. yet a person with 6 generations of british forefathers, would be under "racial abuse" every day.

and if race is, as many people say it is, about geographical ancestory, and family origins. then surely all this racial stuff, isnt to do with race at all,its do to with skin colour.

unless of course you determine race as ethnic group, in which case race is then either your origin of birth(so again a person with black skin born in britain, is technically the same race as most of this forum) or there cultural traditions, although again youd argue as many african american descendants share our cultures and traditions, celebrate our festivals, abide by our rules, and have the same religion as us. then they too are the same race as us, and once more its all down to skin colour and not race.

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Yeah you make good points , i guess what i mean by race is which pigeon hole they stick you in , like black , Asian or white and many others , but really none of that matters because we are all mixed without knowing it. I think most racism is just about physical appearance like skin colour because like you said your Italian friend has no problems.

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I think some people on here don't know the difference between race and religion , Islam is a religion !! you can be any color and from any country and be a Muslim there are lots of white Muslims some of them have been involved in attempted bombings.

Race is what you are , religion is something you have a choice about.

sorry about that, got a bit side tracked, but as said, they do go together. as for the hindu thing, they do know how to dress, thats some proper colour and its economical too, you dont have to worry about keeping whites separate, jam it all in the washing machine, no one will notice if the colour comes off onto your sunday best. seeing a hindu person (or any person) in amazingly bright colours cheers me up, which is a good thing.

racism and any other ism (except jism) is bad. end of.


Edited by 20inchsuperstar
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totally, some lady got in loads of trouble for wearing a cross on a necklace, and one of her colleagues as you said "dresses like a door". how very gay. poopipe you really do make me giggle.

If someone said that to me i'd go nuts at them. Especially if theres a letterbox in the same place. It will probably sound ignorant but who gets to decide what you can wear? I mean, covering your entire face? How can that be allowed yet a cross on a necklace isn't. I may not like how other people dress but i don't tell them they can't dress like it. Its a joke, who is it offending? Its not like getting rid of the cross on a necklace is going to offend someone.... and if it does, i feel sorry for them for being so f**king stupid.

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I imagine that is taken completely out of context though. I agree it is daft to prevent someone wearing a cross, but I'm sure there's another side to the story. I'm not dumb enough to jump to conclusions on this.

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I imagine that is taken completely out of context though. I agree it is daft to prevent someone wearing a cross, but I'm sure there's another side to the story. I'm not dumb enough to jump to conclusions on this.

if its the story im thinking of, its a b.a flight attendant who got told to remove the cross she was wearing, due to jewellry not being part of the uniform, and it being classed as jewellry(which it is), someone then piped up how come the sikh air stewards where allowed to where turbans, as these wernt part of the uniform, and all hats also being banned due to not being part of the uniform, it was then brought up that its not a hat, its religious headwear, and they where still allowed to wear turbans. it then turned into a highly fuelled religious debate, altho the amount of people who wear crosses as a fashion accessory are probably higher than those that where them due to religious significance. which one this woman fell into i have no idea.

although what amazed me is, why she didnt just stick the necklace inside her shirt, and be done with the ruddy argument.

what angers me more is, the prison guards who got told to remove the st georges flag tie badge/lapels they where wearing in the run up to the world cup, in case it offended foreign prisoners, (nothing to do with uniform, as tie badges as long as small and tasteful where permitted) now its nothing to do with one rule more than the other. but to me, there in prison, they shouldnt be given 3 course meals, memory foam mattresses and guards dressed in make up with tasteful uniforms, theyve done wrong,they should be given basic food, a mattress similar to the ones you get in police cells, and guards who genuinely look intimidating. and to say foreign prisoners may get offended, well to me, you should be kept in a detention centre then as soon as your prison sentence was over(which should be for foreign prisoners, unless were talking murderers, but like shoplifters, vandals, burglars etc, made shorter) youd be stuck on the next P and 0 ferry back across the channel, and transported to your home nation, never to set foot on british soil again. may sound expensive, but the cost to keep them in prison a month would likely be far more than the costs to budget ship them back to there home nation.

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I imagine that is taken completely out of context though. I agree it is daft to prevent someone wearing a cross, but I'm sure there's another side to the story. I'm not dumb enough to jump to conclusions on this.

probably tottaly off topic here, but i wanna say my bit lol.

christians wear a cross as a sign of there religeon, big f**k off cross in every church, if jesus come back down to earth (if he exists, not saying he does, not saying he doesnt) wouldnt he be abit pissed seeing every son of a bitch running around with a symbol of his "torture and death?"

never really made sense to me...


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probably tottaly off topic here, but i wanna say my bit lol.

christians wear a cross as a sign of there religeon, big f**k off cross in every church, if jesus come back down to earth (if he exists, not saying he does, not saying he doesnt) wouldnt he be abit pissed seeing every son of a bitch running around with a symbol of his "torture and death?"

never really made sense to me...


its a symbol of the sacrifice jesus made, and were remembering this sacrifice. its a symbol of his death before rebirth. and no jesus wouldnt be anger, as him being nigh on perfect, and anger never being productive or positive its probably banished from his body, in the same way fun is banished from the lives of salvation army officers.

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in the same way fun is banished from the lives of salvation army officers.

This statement is totally and utterly unfounded. Harrold Bishop is a salvation army officer and pretty much single handedly personifies the word "fun". He plays the tuba for gods sake. And he's got a wibbly wobbly treble chin and I think we all know that fat people are jolly.

Oh and down with racism. Boooo

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its a symbol of the sacrifice jesus made, and were remembering this sacrifice. its a symbol of his death before rebirth. and no jesus wouldnt be anger, as him being nigh on perfect, and anger never being productive or positive its probably banished from his body, in the same way fun is banished from the lives of salvation army officers.

Im pretty sure if you put clingfilm on the toilet seat, jesus would be pretty pissed though...

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actually I was thinking the bunch with the pointy hats and dresses might be a good bet - they seem to do everything with a bit more class than the BNP and you get a pet goat.

I thought they wore camo these days.

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Christianity doesn't say "Wear a necklace or you won't get into heaven".

Islam doesnt say, "Dress like a ninja or you wont get into... that place (wherever it may be)"

In fact, that attire was no longer compulsory to wear as of about ten years ago... the only purpose of it is so men dont get jealous of other men looking at their wives. (Either that or their wives are pig ugly and the want to hide it)

Recently a man was arrested (suspected bomber) and pleaded guilty to wearing a ninja outfit to smuggle bombs onto a bus... in the same way you cant wear a full face helmet or a hood up in shops, you shouldnt be allowed to wear a ninja outfit... and the teacher thing... imagine being in primary school being taught by someone you couldnt see? It would be like having lessons with the stig!

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