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Has anyone seen my shoe?

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i dont know how the f**k anal scaled my house and got through a shitty little window, but i will bet all the money in the world he couldnt do it sober

This is true, magical things happen when you are drunk.

My best example, drop your phone on the floor when your sober, nothing happens, gets scratched a bit.

Do it when your drunk, no matter how softly, or onto any surface, your phone will explode into a million pieces, with cases, batteries and sim cards flying everywhere.

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Anyone who brings up racism is racist

aaahh the ol whoever smelt it dealt it philosophy! reaall pre school shit there mate. racism is bullshit, only works one way to the ethnic "minority" who come here and then have the biggest chip on there shoulder because someone said a word, a f**king word, thats all it is and all it ever will be a WORD!

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Im going to side with the philosoppher here. Who brought this whole topic up? Oh yeah a black person. So if your so bothered by it, why make a big deal out of it? Get a hobby and stop talking about slave trade its 200 years old! maybe we should talk about the white farmers in Zimbabwe?

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This forum is very one-sided in this due to it being probably about 95% white. I personally think you need to chill out, respect peoples views. 'Nigger' is an offensive word to say, its just the way it is. I dont say it because it is offensive to certain people, why create unnecessary abuse to people you probably dont even know especially on the internet? I also hate people saying 'paki' just because it makes me relate them to the uncultured scumbags i see about on the streets shouting 'f*ckin paki's' etc etc.

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Isn't 95% white a reasonable approximation to the demographic of this country anyway?

Dunno, let's find out:

From the 1991 census, and I'd guess it's probably changed a bit since then.

Ethnic group      Population      % of total*  
White British or Scottish**    50,366,497    85.67%
White (other)    3,096,169    5.27%
Indian    1,053,411    1.8%
Pakistani    747,285    1.3%
Mixed race    677,117    1.2%
White Irish    691,232    1.2%
Black Caribbean    565,876    1.0%
Black African    485,277    0.8%
Bangladeshi    283,063    0.5%
Asian (non-Chinese)    247,644    0.4%
Chinese    247,403    0.4%
Other    230,615    0.4%
Black (others)    97,585    0.2%

Also: Although the Census 2001 also recorded 390,000 Jedi Knights, making Jedi the fourth-largest "religion" in the UK, this does not confer them any official recognition

That's more than Buddists, Sikhs and Jews :lol:

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Dunno, let's find out:

From the 1991 census, and I'd guess it's probably changed a bit since then.

Ethnic group      Population      % of total*  
White British or Scottish**    50,366,497    85.67%
White (other)    3,096,169    5.27%
Indian    1,053,411    1.8%
Pakistani    747,285    1.3%
Mixed race    677,117    1.2%
White Irish    691,232    1.2%
Black Caribbean    565,876    1.0%
Black African    485,277    0.8%
Bangladeshi    283,063    0.5%
Asian (non-Chinese)    247,644    0.4%
Chinese    247,403    0.4%
Other    230,615    0.4%
Black (others)    97,585    0.2%

Also: Although the Census 2001 also recorded 390,000 Jedi Knights, making Jedi the fourth-largest "religion" in the UK, this does not confer them any official recognition

That's more than Buddists, Sikhs and Jews :lol:

does this include northern ireland in it, cos quite frankly i find it hard to believe thats theres more white irish than there is asian people in britain.although suppose it is 16 years out of date, and if it includes northern ireland, then that white irish figure seems stupid low.

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I am pretty sure no-one really uses the word paki in a nice way...

EDIT: See above post.

I can think of many times when Muslim boys in my school called each other pakis (or niggers) in a "What's happening my paki?" way.

And to say your grandparents were slaves is pretty laughable, what with slavery being abolished 200 years ago.

I've been playing too much San Andreas and listening to too much NWA recently anyway.

Yes the slave trade was abolished 200 years ago, but slavery still exists today, it is still very easy to be the child of a slave in some parts of the world even today, so to claim the someone's grandparents could not have been slaves is, I'm afraid, not sensible.

bloody yids!

Prawn is the classic example of the inbred, retarded, drunk, racist English man, please excuse him, he can't help it... :P

Oh and Edd, in Glasgow the demographic is closer to 99% white, it's crazy. :blink:

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That was the UK, so yeah, including NI. The population of NI is pretty small so it won't affect the stats very much anyway.

This is for England alone though:

White British: 86.99%

White Other: 2.66%

Indian: 2.09%

Pakistani: 1.44%

Mixed: 1.31%

White Irish: 1.27%

Black Caribbean: 1.14%

Black African: 0.97%

Bangladeshi: 0.56%

Other Asian 0.48%

Chinese: 0.45%

Other: 0.44%

Black Other: 0.2%

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Edd don't be silly, for example, in Nottingham would you say the demographic was 99% white? No, but if you look at your village I'm willing to place money that it's close to 95% white. In Glasgow I'd say it's closer to 99% than 95% because I reckon that I see less than one black person in every hundred, I don't think I've seen more than 10 today total, and I was wandering about the busiest park in Glasgow...

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