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Boumsong's First Full Film Appearence


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you should have just done that at the end then haha, just for the hell of it

edit: those shorts are soo gay too haha

EDIT2: just watched it the whole way through, another thing i would avoid doing is cutting your head out, i didnt even notice you werent wearing a helmet, i think you should, but it is your choice

Edited by ash-kennard
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possibly the worst vid i have ever seen - seriously most of the time you couldnt even see what was going on .... If you are going to film on pallets (which you shouldnt) at least get the stuff in shot.

deffo Pootube on this occasion.

If this seems harsh - nobody can lie effectively when drunk - so why bother trying.

clearly you can ride so why not put in a little effort and make something we all would enjoy watching.

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Ha ha, boumsong... you know i'm usually straight to the point, and i feel i have to be extremely blunt with this...... that was f**king wank mate. I think everyones covered most of the stuff i would say, the lack of music, missing torso, random edits and the fact it was sooooooooooooo long!

Come bracken with us, i'll film you doing some stuff and give you the clips on a disc so you can use them. It'll be a hundred times better.

Wheres your hair gone :huh: Your not the same at all now :lol:

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get a tripod. learn to use a decent editing program. find a decent song, even if its just for background noise and you can hear the bike over the top. and most importantly get some decent shorts :) because by the looks of it your riding can take care of itself (Y)

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