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Stolen Orange Patriot £500 Reward


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thing i like though is the poster, print them out and put them up around town

Yea thats the idea, gona do that tomoro. the fxxer who nicked it used bolt cutters in broad daylight!!! who caries around bolt cutters ffs!

Oh and you wont belive that they'v got him doing it on cctv (not that that means anything) but they wont let me see the tape because i would be "invading his privacy"!!!!

Btw. as this forum is nation wide it was stolen from Sheffield Hallam Uni


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Oh and you wont belive that they'v got him doing it on cctv (not that that means anything) but they wont let me see the tape because i would be "invading his privacy"!!!!

So you're not allowed to look at a tape of him in public (where you would have seen him anyway without braking any kind of privacy), stealing your bike, as you would be invading his privacy. What utter bullshit.

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So you're not allowed to look at a tape of him in public (where you would have seen him anyway without braking any kind of privacy), stealing your bike, as you would be invading his privacy. What utter bullshit.

I dont get it either, the other question they asked me was " why do you want to see the video anyway..?" why does that matter as far as im concerned you have a video of some one stealing my property and i want to view it.

Now ive only got my one speed trials bike to ride around on which is toil, and now im paranoid about leaving that anywhere.

Think im gona get me one of them 25 quid argos jobbies for running about on and scratch all the paint off kick all the spokes an spray it in mud to make it the most undesirable bike ever.

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Dont put any of the posters up around the area!! Because then the bloke that stole it will just think 'oh i can make myself an easy £500' and just hand it in to you and you will end up paying them £500 for stealong your bike!


He's obviously gonna show anyone who gives him the bike to the police, and since they have a tape of him, I think they'll be able to say whether it was him or not.

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Hey had the same thing with my Echo Team.

Stolen in daylight with bolt cutters.

My college maintance guy didnt care about the laws to do with privacy of the guy knicking my bike so he showed me the tape.

Then he burnt it to cd for me :P

It didnt help the police though and to tell the truth police weren't bothered about it at all.

As yours is worth more than mine hopefully they will be more bothered about a several grand bike

Hope it turns up

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thatll come back.

its not the easiest bike to steal/go anywhere on/sell as there are so few around, and the spec and paint job? the nob-ed who stole it will have a hard time doing anything with it.

sorry to hear about it dude, cant wait for it to be back with you

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Thanks for all the replys, I hope some one spots it some where. I keep having to looking twice at chavs riding red bikes lol

thatll come back.

its not the easiest bike to steal/go anywhere on/sell as there are so few around, and the spec and paint job? the nob-ed who stole it will have a hard time doing anything with it.

Yea thats true, but if he has any sense ( i hope he's not reading this ) he'l strip it and sell the parts, less traceable that way and may even get more money too :(

Fingers crossed it comes up on ebay. Ive also been round all the cash converter type places and let them have a copy of the poster.


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As each day goes past it's more and more likely that it'll be stripped down and sold on. Dunno what it's like in Sheffield but here the general belief is that most of the stolen bikes get sold to the drug dealers and they then move them on round the country, stripping them down and "mixing" the parts. Wankers.

Good luck in getting your bike back, I know I'd love my Coiler Dee-Lux back :(

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Personally I've never had a bike nicked because its either under my legs or in my garage but:

What really pisses me off is the fact that as far as I've heard the police are less vigilant/bothered about bikes when some are worth as much as car (in this case atleast) yet they have massive operations for finding stolen cars. I know its a completely different scale as only a handful of very expensive bikes are stolen in comparison to cars but its still ridiculous if no action is being taken.


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