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Who's Had The Most Name Changes?


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Well I was "XST8XEDGEX" then "Small_gear_big_syle" and now I'm just "Davey". Wondered who else has changed their name, what it used to be, maybe why, and of course who holds the record for the most changes?


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My sign in name for all forums range between Andy P, or AndyP.

I find it keeps things simple, and if I meet someone for real (ie at a car meet) I don't have people coming up and saying "Hi rox0rs_my_soxx_off" or something equally stupid.

Andy P

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My sign in name for all forums range between Andy P, or AndyP.

I find it keeps things simple, and if I meet someone for real (ie at a car meet) I don't have people coming up and saying "Hi rox0rs_my_soxx_off" or something equally stupid.

Andy P

Yeah I find that really bizarre, like how you associate peoples screen names with them as if they were their real names, even though you know they aren't. Like if I met Fatpants I'd call him Fatpants because to me that's his name even though I know full well it's not. It's only when you start to talk to people properly like Poopipe I now just think of him as Jon.

Names are a funny thing, I know this guy and he used to ride BMX with me in the village I used to live in. He was introduced to me as Roger. Some people called him Roger and others used to call him Bubba or Chopper, so I assumed that Roger was his real name and Bubba and Chopper were nicknames. I'd known him for 3 years, been hanging out with him etc etc, calling him Rodge or Roger or Bubba, and then one day I saw his ID and it turns out his real name is Stuart..... it was so weird, because in a strange way I felt like I suddenly didn't know him just because of his name. Perculiar!


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I'm just plain old poopipe - anzo threw a strop when I tried to change my avatar so I dont dare consider a new name.

i do have to call myself kingpoopipe and bumtube on battlefield cos I ballsed up registering my account so there's a bit of variety

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Here's another one, which person has made the most threads about their TF username been changed?

It's Davey! With 2! As opposed to everyone else, who all have 0.

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Here's another one, which person has made the most threads about their TF username been changed?

It's Davey! With 2! As opposed to everyone else, who all have 0.

Haha, it's been a slow week at work. Besides this thread isn't about my username it's about everyone elses, so shoooosh JT!


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Well I was "XST8XEDGEX" then "Small_gear_big_syle" and now I'm just "Davey".
Besides this thread isn't about my username it's about everyone elses, so shoooosh JT!


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Was (had a 47cc engine before i signed up to MMC and after i signed up i got a 49cc engine, so it still stands, just it was varying a lil) 49ccminicrossah 'cos that was my name on MMC (minimoto forum)

Now Fat Pants as that's a nickname a friends bro gave me, and it stuck. People refer to me as Fat Pants on rides. Probably 'cos they don't know my real name! (Glen)

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Yeah I find that really bizarre, like how you associate peoples screen names with them as if they were their real names, even though you know they aren't. Like if I met Fatpants I'd call him Fatpants because to me that's his name even though I know full well it's not. It's only when you start to talk to people properly like Poopipe I now just think of him as Jon.

Well fatpants real name is Glen.... still a f**king stupid name :P

well mine was pissin_on_the_fence just because it was my email adress... but then i thought that was stupid as everyone i ride with call me simpson..... now everyones got tires of that and call me simp... so i might change it to that to that..... dunno i mean some people quote my name like "simpson" but its just what my ride mates call me.... altough my social mates call me mike......

but that all goes back to ricky and what he called me...... so when all other riders join rick always used to call me simpson so its just stuck i guess!!!

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