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Got to love the old MBUK's when the would show up with a free vhs video tape.

This got me into riding trials instead of just popping wheelies and jumping curbs.

Started hopping on picnic benches with my 19.5" Giant GSR 500 special edition with red tires, and I had a bash guard....baller!


Anybody else?....I love this video..even the tune.

Might be bit old for some of the newbies....

I don't care if its a repost, its a new tinterweb content and a vid not seen in many a year.

Edited by philth
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oh yes!!!!! now your talking!

getta grip was the holy grail in my house when i was about 12, always used to watch Mtb Heroes before going out to jump off the curb outside me house!

thank you for bringing back the joy! old skool for the future!


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Heh awesome. I should really buy a vcr so i can watch this stuff again. What was that video where someone 360'd a mini palm tree? They had canti lever brakes. Thats all i can remember. Could be the same video. I wouldn't mind watching some of the old Sprung videos as well. Steve Peat's video diaries :lol:

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Heh awesome. I should really buy a vcr so i can watch this stuff again. What was that video where someone 360'd a mini palm tree? They had canti lever brakes. Thats all i can remember. Could be the same video. I wouldn't mind watching some of the old Sprung videos as well. Steve Peat's video diaries :lol:

I think that was Jez Avery ?spelling?, riding a GT doing Switzerland Squeakers....don't remember the video name thought.

I need a VRC that plays English tapes over here...I still have; Chainspotting, Sprung('s), The Mud Cows, The Pashley vid that came with my frame,

I have a craving to watch the start of Dirty Tricks and Cunning Stunts.

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