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Brazilian Guys With Reasonable Balance...


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Thats awesome.

I had to make myself watch the whole thing though.

Wonder if they know any other tricks or is it just manuels and balancing?

How the hell did they sit on the headtube and balance and pedal??????

....I'm so baffled.

Good find Adam,


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Commitment, Brazil isn't the richest of countrys, but these guys are making do with what the have and are pulling off some sick (what the hell would you call them?) nose manuals *-)

Wonder where Danny Macaskill gets his ideas from :P:-

cheers for sharing :)

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I know they deserve props for their efforts and riding accomplishments... and I can not do what they do... but I can only be impressed through about 1 minute of hang fives before I get bored. Sadly, I didn't think the vid was that cool.

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That was amazing. :mellow:

To be honest, those were all BMX flatland tricks, but huge heads up to them for doing it on normal bikes! Those nose manuals standing on the front axle were Hangfives whilst the weird wheelie sitting on the handlebar is a Pedal Deathtruck.

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