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Trials Proof Street Furniture


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Here is a direct evolutionary response to Neil Tuni's abuse of post boxes... :lol:

Some of them have morphed into sturdy, hedgehog style designs... (that's no photoshop)

Soon the same with benches and rails?



This is plain cast iron...


and after slamming an advert magazine onto the stuff... did no good to the cover... (of the magazine that is...)


Edited by TrashZen
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Here is a direct evolutionary response to Neil Tuni's abuse of post boxes... :lol:

Some of them have morphed into sturdy, hedgehog style designs... (that's no photoshop)

Soon the same with benches and rails?


madmen hey :S

dout they'll do the rails like that thou :P might lead to quite a few court cases. as rails are meant for you to run your hand down them


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i very much doubt thats for trials riders.

prob to stop birds landing on and therfore crapping all over them. we use a similar tecqnique to areas of train stations and public buildings.

I reckon it's an arty type of things, probably an obscure project (no postman was ever able to give me a clue to what it was or when it was installed)

It's not just a few added studs glued on... it's actual cast iron spikes, entirely part of the whole box... virtually indestructible... >_<

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blame it all on neil :P

thats actually realli funny :lol:

thats the only one ive seen, looks like a death trap :blink:

i don't recon they will put them on benches or rails out out because of saftey resons etc if you no wat i mean, because of people might hurt them selves on them.

good find though


Edited by Danny Swindlehurst
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Guessing it's actually similar to what you get on window ledges etc to stop pigeon's landing on them and cr@pping everywhere. Most likely fairly soft rubber/plastic so wouldn't actually do any damage to anyone or anything, just a little uncomfortable if you're a bird and try sitting on them!

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