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Revenge Part. 2


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I got shit on my minimoto engine, and i can clarify it f**king stinks!

You can't get done for carrying a crow bar in your car, you can just make up a poo excuse and they can't say shit if you can prove it.

However much i want this fanny to get his property f**ked, i wouldn't reallywant you to do him over propperly, 'cos who ever it is, it's a bit raw to kill someone. And if you do him over badly (crowbar his canister a few times or w/e) i can see you getting f**ked by him and or his mates for it so think before you act Matt, i personally wouldn't want you to have the same thing done to you.

Or you could shoot him in the face with your stupid f*cking, childish potato cannon!!


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Or you could shoot him in the face with your stupid f*cking, childish potato cannon!!


How is the spudgun childish? It's far from it ffs!!! My minimoto is childish, what's next, my computer, thats childish? if anything it's for adults that have nothing better to do! f**ks sake, we ride bikes that don't have a seat or practical use apart from trials.

Yes Matt, yes i will! (Could put go faster holes in his door with the right ammo :D)

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Haha, maybe, but they're too big for my 15mm barrel, sharpened lengths of steel pole should be ample. Saying that, i've got a 40mm barrel one but it's not too powerful.


Then you could run em over in your mini moto :pirate:

And throw lego at them :pirate:


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Although I don't think the crowbar was a good idea, as it would have been better to batter him with your fists and have done with it, it's good that you're standing up to him. He'll probably think twice about bothering you next time...

Exactly. He drove off, so he'll probably be a bit more wary of you next time if you threatened him with a crowbar. Either way, probably trying to avoid him for a bit would be an idea, and if you see him, let him make the first move in trying to wind you up instead of going up to him. That way, when the police try and do you for beating the shit out of him, it was in self defence instead of you outwardly being the aggressor.

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Buy a half sized machete off ebay, I got one, sharp as fook and a nice deterant (or if your a maniac, amputating device)

He sounds like a rite fag, if he does anything, you know where he is, go round with lots of friends with masks on, kick his door down and batter anything that moves inside.

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Buy a half sized machete off ebay, I got one, sharp as fook and a nice deterant (or if your a maniac, amputating device)

He sounds like a rite fag, if he does anything, you know where he is, go round with lots of friends with masks on, kick his door down and batter anything that moves inside.

You sir, are a legend

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its not rape if you enjoyed it.

poopipe your a legend, we should get the trials-forum vigilante team in training for if the chave wnaekr gets lairy...dibs on the sack of door knobs!!

seriously, the whole crowbar thing, you coulds get seriously seriously done for that. put it away...


Count me in.

with the shit happening with my bro at the moment and work because of my short fuse, im up for releasing some tension

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Buy a half sized machete off ebay, I got one, sharp as fook and a nice deterant (or if your a maniac, amputating device)

He sounds like a rite fag, if he does anything, you know where he is, go round with lots of friends with masks on, kick his door down and batter anything that moves inside.

Hire swat uniforms and get someone with an unmarked van, go in take them all out the house, throw them in the van, gag them, tie them up and take their clothes. Drive to the busiest area of town you can find, drive to the pavement, kick them out and drive off.

Use a fake plate on the van and remove the swat labels from the uniforms when you get in the van while they're blindfolded.

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Hire swat uniforms and get someone with an unmarked van, go in take them all out the house, throw them in the van, gag them, tie them up and take their clothes. Drive to the busiest area of town you can find, drive to the pavement, kick them out and drive off.

Use a fake plate on the van and remove the swat labels from the uniforms when you get in the van while they're blindfolded.

Army gear works just aswell. Gas masks are even better because tehn you can release tear gas into the house, walk in and do the deed.

f**k, i wanna be in the army

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He has a point, making guns out of bits of pipe is pretty childish. Good fun though.

I really don't get this.

By childish you mean something a child (12-) would do?

Simon, you're a crazy f**k, best hope the army don't see tf and all the other forums you share your 'hobbies' with.

The embarrasment way sounds good, and not too malicious, however, it'll make him very angry, and want revenge.

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Meh although Si does sometimes really disturb me... i think if someone stole 2 of my peds and hit me round the head with a baseball bat....

we have had "covert missions" before with 7 of us dressed up in black and "assulting" (jumping in a jokey way with wepons, before taking off our balaclavas) some people camping over the "moors" lol 2 hours tracking really built up the tension and in the dark of night was soooo funny.......

but yea.... i think a "night raid" on him would be fun.... isolate him, kidnapp, take to disused garage...... just shit him up and leave him naked..... youll get the bigest kick out of it ever!

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You realise being in the army wont nessicarily mean you be running around tear gassing everyone?

Word. And Si, if you don't have the self-discipline to control yourself, what makes you think you'd make it anywhere in the army, where discipline is crucial? If you don't look after your so-called "Short fuse", then you'll get f**ked over big style. Add to that the fact that most of the time you'll end up just doing boring shit there and it doesn't really sound like much fun. To be fair, with the way a load of the soldiers sent out around the world are complaining they're having to go to a combat area, it sounds like most people are only joining up for the free sports activities anyway...

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I really don't get this.

By childish you mean something a child (12-) would do?

You know (or should know) as well as I do that childish is a frame of mind, not a symptom of your age. Besides, I used to make pointless dangerous toys when I was younger, I just grew out of it I suppose.

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Sounds like quite the predicament.

Is he a Genuine Pikey, cos if he is you might want to hide for a while, they are f**king dangerous bastards.

Not unheard of them to do some lasting damage and f**k off without trace.

If hes just your run of the mill townie then he probly aint got shit, and is just giving it all the charley big potatoe, when infact hes just

mummies little marmite soldier.

Just realised you like in My county aswell, What area you from?

I need a good excuse to venture to East Sussex to ride

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I love si-man.

What you guys are saying makes total sense, I'll wait for him to make the first move next time, although I wont pull a half size machette out when he does get abit lairy because thats asking for the police to use their meat truncheons upon me.

At the end of the day, if I get a kick in, I get a kick in.

If anyones seen Fight Club, I really want to do the bit where that guys beating him up in the cellar and he's laughing an screaming for more. Got to be the best way to take a beating.

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You could write a book with the skills you got there!!!

you sound like an excitable boy who has gone through some kind of event and has a wicked way of slightly elaborating to make himself feel real big and is trying to put a message out that he is the next kray brother!!!

Dunno who you are and dunno what you're like, neither am i saying anything about your personality etc, but i'd believe that lsequence of events if i saw them.

In my lifetime, everyone i know who handles themselves, doesn't go round making a meal of it on the internet, or even to other faces, they just do. Then all the ones who mouth off are simply shithot at mouthing off, then sooner or later when it comes to the crunch, get crunched.

I'm not arsed either way, as i'm browning the forum bored with my leg up as you can imagine, so if you disagree and attempt to infuriate me (not saying you would), don't expect a rise out of me becasue i'll just read it, chuckle, then do some more triple whips on dave mirra and drink my hot chocolate. But your wild antics make me chuckle. You are certainly the hardest man on the forum and are proving it in here undoubtedly (Y). I think i'd most definately cross the street if i saw you!


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