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Revenge Part. 2


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Righteo fella's, had abit of a run in tonight with my old 'mate'. This was the bellend that done all that stuff to me and I got him back by ruining his car. Anyway the story is as follows:

Tonight I'm with a group of friends (3 guys an 3 girls) and we've just come out of Tesco after buying some beverage and cookies. Sitting outside waiting for another 2 friends to turn up and guess who arrives on the scene, yup you've got it one, its him, the thieving scummy dick of the century! Anyway it's probably best that I illustrate the set of events that happened by writing out the script.

He turns up pulls up and winds down his window, I boldy walk up to his car with flames roaring in my eyes.

He says 'Why the F**K were you ragging your car behind me the other day'

to which I replied 'Because you are a c**t and you stole two of my scooters'

(p.s you have to realise that I'm adrenalined up and I'm talking without thinking, its hard to give verbal when your in that situation as I'm sure you could imagine, ALSO HE IS SITTING IN HIS CAR THE WHOLE TIME WITH ONLY HIS WINDOW OPEN ABOUT 9 INCHES)

to which he replied 'you haven't got any proof so dont start making allegations' I said 'yeh plenty of friends have told me you've been bigging yourself up over it, you even f**king smashed my helmet in with a bat and I saw you with my own eyes' he says in response 'yeh that weren't even me and your friends dont know shit, I aint even friends with them'....

'your not even friends with them? what the f**k has that got to do with it, lets have it right, you've been giving me grief for too long you pissed all over one of my scooters you deserve a good beating, your a twat'

'yeh so I pissed on your scooters (laughs to self) what you gona do about it?'

Rage fills me, focused as a eagle, feeling the adrenaline sweep over my body I reply 'I'm going to smash your f**king face in'

He very very stupidly said 'go on then' So cleverly I make a dummy punch towards the gap in his window and he flinches like mad which when I think about it now really makes me giggle.

He then says 'come on' and goes to undo his seatbelt I apparently very calmly and unpredictably, according to my friends, walk back to the car, open the drivers door and pull out the crow bar, walk back to the car, he says 'what you using a tool for'

'I am going to batter you'

He then does his window up fully and drives off.

Okay so I'm not the best writer. Those were the sequence of events that took place at about 10pm. And ever since I've been seeing him about more often I've thought it might be best to get some self defence in my car becaue I know he wont think twice and kicking me when I'm down, hence crowbar.

Thinking about it now, I really wish I didn't do the pussy thing of walking back to my car which was like 2 meters away and pulling the crowbar out, I had two boy mates with me that, now I think of it, would of jumped in. Instead though he drove off, nevermind, probably better that there was no violence. However I can guarentee now that I will be posting in a few weeks about something very bad happening to me, like getting the kicking in off a lifetime.

Before you post please take note that I'm not a gangster, I dont think I'm hard, I'm not 'rude' (far from it) and I'm not telling you this story to get respect. I just think it makes good reading and gives you something different to think/chat about.

So there you are. A day in the life of me.

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You sound like a hard as f**k rude boy gangster looking for respect....

Nah, just messing (probably with the wrong guy :P)

Seems like that guy needs a propper kicking. I rekon get a camcorder, spend a week making a decent training montage (weights, monkey bars, steep hills, whatever) then when your ready, hit him. hard.

Thats what i'd do, ha ha, as if.


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Seems like that guy needs a propper kicking. I rekon get a camcorder, spend a week making a decent training montage (weights, monkey bars, steep hills, whatever) then when your ready, hit him. hard.

Thats what i'd do, ha ha, as if.


That sounds like a really good idea, I do weights occasionally, but now I'm going to step it up abit.

I'd also love to make a documentary, I have a camera, its just I wouldnt have the foggyest on how to edit and get the vid on my computer.

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W00t w00t!

Go you, i never know what to do in those kind of situations. I usually just stand there and watch as the moment passes by. You've either shit him up enough to think twice about annoying you again or given him more of an insentive to bump it up a notch on you.

What would have been even funnier is to have whipped your cock out and tried pissing in his car window to get him back for pissing on your ped.

All's fair in love and war ;)

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P.S was his car still battered

Thats what i wanted to know, tehe

I probaly would of chased the car making numerous swings at it with the crow bar, As soon as i hit it once, the thought would have came into my head "You're going to get nicked" then i wouldn't have stopped hitting it. One hit would have been criminal damage, So might aswell make getting the charge worth it!

Doesn't adrenaline make you do silly things haha

If you had of hit him with the crow bar, a few times in the face or head etc, You would have gone down, for GBH with intent.

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Right lets set a few things straight.

Assualt is hitting someone, that being with parts of your body or a weapon, obviously using a weapon increases the charge.

ABH (Actual Bodily Harm) is where you hitting someone has resulted in cuts, concussion or minor injuries, again using a weapon increases the charge.

GBH (Grevious Bodily Harm) is where you hitting someone has resulted in broken bones and the like. Weapons, again, increase the charge.

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And "If you had of hit him with the crow bar, a few times in the face or head etc" you could've kill the guy... He may be a big time to$$er but what you're talking about is getting out of hand. Not that it's any of my business but it sounds like someone needs to go to anger managment classes and stop carrying round crow bars in their car. Your either going to get done for carying a dangerous weapon or get arrested 'cos they think you're a burglar!!

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I quite like the pissing on the car idea. you could go a step further and take a dump on his engine at night - that'd stink when it warmed up.

on a serious note, you shouldnt hit people with crowbars - they make you go to prison for that. You might get away with buggering him though - most homosexual rape victims are too ashamed to go to the authorities

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Just for you Joe, what happened before in sequence. Baring in mind last night was the first time I've EVER spoken to this guy, god knows why hes got such a thing against me.

First scooter stolen outside my ex-gf's house.

Chased me to another town on my second scooter, trying to knock me off.

Spat all over my scooter seat when it was parked outside work.

Then pissed over my scooter a few laters, some nice chap helped me clean it before I rode it home.

Then hit me round the head with a bat, ruining a really nice valentino rossi replica helmet.

Stole second scooter.

As for the damage I done to his car, hes got all new tyres, I didn't really pay attention to his paint job as it wasn't really on my mind last night. The only reason I have the crowbar in my car is because I know him an his pykey mates are going to come for me and I wont shit myself so much if I know I've got something to defend myself with, I know its silly to be carrying it around with me but I'm abit desperate, I dont know what else I can do to give me a little protection.

If that situation happens again, I wont reach for a weapon, think I'll just shove some bare knuckles through the window and land them upon his face. Then If hes stupid enough to still be hanging around I'll get my wang out and make his orifice bleed while thinking of poopipe. :shifty:

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its not rape if you enjoyed it.

poopipe your a legend, we should get the trials-forum vigilante team in training for if the chave wnaekr gets lairy...dibs on the sack of door knobs!!

seriously, the whole crowbar thing, you coulds get seriously seriously done for that. put it away...


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wait till hes only with like 1 mate and go psycho at him with a baseball bat, aim for his ribs with it and get him on the floor then stamp on his head a few times. aim to break a few ribs and a bloody face. enough to show your not f**king around but not enough to seriously hurt him.

only one mate because then people wont say oh my god you ganged up on him when he was on his own etc. and if youre lucky he wont try and back the guy up because he'll be so scared of you.

Edited by Joe_Elding
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You sound like a savage lad though Joe (Y)

Hahaha have me an joe come down sort out all you country lads :P no... personally i think the crowbar was a good idea... could have 2 effects

1) heel f**k off and leave you alone

2) heel get all his mates together and beat you up....

hopefully it will be the 1st option :)

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I got shit on my minimoto engine, and i can clarify it f**king stinks!

You can't get done for carrying a crow bar in your car, you can just make up a poo excuse and they can't say shit if you can prove it.

However much i want this fanny to get his property f**ked, i wouldn't reallywant you to do him over propperly, 'cos who ever it is, it's a bit raw to kill someone. And if you do him over badly (crowbar his canister a few times or w/e) i can see you getting f**ked by him and or his mates for it so think before you act Matt, i personally wouldn't want you to have the same thing done to you.

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