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Oh davey davey. Earlier today i bumped off the plans i had made with a mate to go out on the piss, there was no real reason as to why and ordinarily its something i'd jump at the chance to do. Do i subconsciously dislike him or is it the turning point of a realisation that i no longer want to go out and get bladdered anymore and would rather have a cup of chocolate and go to bed? Why did i not come out and tell him either, i made up an excuse that wreaked of bullshit and left it at that.

Is there anything i can do to remedy such a situation?

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Oh davey davey. Earlier today i bumped off the plans i had made with a mate to go out on the piss, there was no real reason as to why and ordinarily its something i'd jump at the chance to do. Do i subconsciously dislike him or is it the turning point of a realisation that i no longer want to go out and get bladdered anymore and would rather have a cup of chocolate and go to bed? Why did i not come out and tell him either, i made up an excuse that wreaked of bullshit and left it at that.

Is there anything i can do to remedy such a situation?

Well it may be that you have, as you say, reached a turning point in your life at which the thought of a drink fueled evening followed by the prospect of waking up with a hangover and still having to go to work the next day becomes less and less attractive. But lets face it that prospect has never been attractive and that never stopped you, so my guess is that this is not the case!

Often there are more subtle reasons for such uncharacteristic behaviour. Perhaps you have had an unusually busy week, or have been under extra emotional stress recently, new love interest or grief from relatives perhaps? These are things which you may not notice are going on because your mind and body simply work harder to compensate and keep you going, but as a result when it comes to partying on down your body tells you that you'd much rather just have a night off to rejuvenate.

It's not unusual in the broader sense although it may be for you, but we all need a little downtime, especialy as we get older, so rather than looking at it as a turning point whereby you're heading in a new direction, just think of it like taking the scenic route every so often, same direction just a little slower paced. I don't think you're ready to reach for the tartan slippers and walking stick just yet! My advice would be to consider what is going on in your life, are you busy, are you stressed for any reason, is some woman giving you grief? Diet is also a big factor especially as we age, it might just be that the diet of ready meals and coca cola which are fine for a spritely young lad are not sufficient party fuel for the more mature among us.

Try eating more greens, getting a little more sleep when you aren't out partying, and I'm sure you'll find your lust for the nightlife will return!


PS: I wouldn't let it play too heavilly on your mind that you bullshitted your mate, we all do it, the fact that you acknowledge your behaviour was a bit pansyish and therefore covered it up is a good sign that you aren't one foot in the grave, just chillin' a bit and will be back out on the raz in no time!

Edited by Davey
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you're actually taking this seriously.

so yeah.

oh Davey Davey....

I had a dream where I went out on the razz with Charlotte Church last night and now I feel guilty because I really liked her. Does this mean I don't love the missus anymore?

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you're actually taking this seriously.

so yeah.

oh Davey Davey....

I had a dream where I went out on the razz with Charlotte Church last night and now I feel guilty because I really liked her. Does this mean I don't love the missus anymore?

The short answer is no, it does not mean you don't love the missus anymore!

To explain why we must firstly look at the focus of your affection in your dream. It was a celebrity, so in dream terms that is brain laziness. Let me explain.... it's natural to be curious about what it would be like to be with another woman, we all do it and rather than being some sort of "thought adultery" it's actually just our brains way of getting a bit of variety so we don't get bored of the one we truly love (as love and sex get easilly confused in a mans brain). These dreams ensures longevity of a relationship and they aren't a sign that you are looking to move on! Now, the simplest form of this is dreaming about some faceless hotty who doesn't nag you and never wears a bra (that's my ideal woman), but obviously a faceless woman isn't very exciting so your brain is gonna make it more interesting by putting a face on there that we recognise. However, your brain has been thoroughly lazy and rather than coming up with someone you actually know who you have a crush on or anything like that it has just chucked Charlotte Church in there, either because you want to dick her or because you watched her appaulingly bad chat show recently, but either way this DOESN'T suggest that you have feelings for another woman. To me the fact that Charlotte Church was the best your mind could come up with suggests that you really do only have eyes for your missus when it comes to the emotional stuff! If it was your mum or something then you could start worrying about the associations that your mind was making, but really that's all it is, an association, it's not real or serious and although you may wake up wishing you knew where Charlotte lived so you could go start a relationship with her I can say fairly categorically that it wouldn't be as good as your dream made it seem!

So, my advice, enjoy these kind of dreams as an escape from the day to day monotony that can be a relatonship, and use them to vent any pent up sexual or experimental frustration, but most importantly don't feel guilty, it's your mind so it's your secret place and chances are your missus has one too, probably with Jake Gyllenhaal and that guy from Prison break in it!!


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oh good, I was getting a bit worried there

Whats wrong with wanting to dick Charlotte Church? - she has a nice smile, swears a lot and has nice big soft bits.

Maybe i'm not over my pregnant fetish yet.


I reckon she's into the doctor from lost myself - he's a bit more rugged than that nancy boy from prison break

Edited by poopipe
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oh good, I was getting a bit worried there

Whats wrong with wanting to dick Charlotte Church? - she has a nice smile, swears a lot and has nice big soft bits.

Maybe i'm not over my pregnant fetish yet.


I reckon she's into the doctor from lost myself - he's a bit more rugged than that nancy boy from prison break

Nothing wrong with wanting to dick Charlotte Church, not my personal choice though, you know I dont like overly wobbly girls!

PS: Who isn't into the doctor from lost :wub:


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What Jack?

Oh Davey Davey, im thinking of getting a tattoo, what do you think of film reel wrapped around my arm going all the way down?

Bit too cliché?

Well I've never seen one, so it's as original as anything i can think of, most things have been done before so dont worry about being a little cliche! My advice is speak to the chaps at Blood Brothers in Islington, I wouldn't go anywhere else now I've been there, call them on 0207 6190345. You wont meet a nicer bunch of chaps, which is odd for tattooists because often they aren't very personable!

Speak to them, you can even email any design ideas (can be as rough sketches as you like) and they will come up with something for you and more often than not it'll be really wicked!


oh davey davey, should i ride trials or watch a snowboard/skiing big jump comp tomorrow? weather's gonna be brill either way, 15 degrees and sun. (they bring the snow from ice rinks btw).

Well I imagine the Snowboard/Skiing jump comp is only happening tomorrow then it's gone, where as there will be plently of opportunities to ride over the summer, so if I were you I'd go see the comp. You're more likely to regret not going to that than you are not riding, because you can ride any time!!!!


Edited by Davey
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Davey your so wise, thank you for your advice. And you were right.

I spent the night finishing building my new computer desk and playing a computer game my cousin got me for my birthday that i hadn't had time to play due to a mad week of finishing uni work. I had some sleep and woke up bright and early this morning, went to pizza hut buffet with my mates (34 slices for £3.99..... bargain :D ) and i'm soon to be going to watch 300 and finish with a night out in town, which i'm thoroughly looking forward to.

Cheers dude.

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Oh davey davey...


You sir are a muppet!

The trouble with these things is they dont just glue things they actually slightly melt them together, hence why when you try and get it off it tears the skin a little. It's a tough call because this is a health and safety kinda thing and I dont want to be responsible for burning your skin or anything, but you've most likely done that yourself anyway, so my advice would be using a mild solvent, that's what I'd try, to break it down and get it off, followed by a good soap and water wash afterwards to remove any traces of solvent from your skin to prevent long term damage!


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oh baby davey i have 2 flat spotted echo rims and my wheel spins like a dead moose and i have a shit build and shit spokes. how do i get over being upset at that

Well you are in the right place, after all this is the number one place to come if you have a trials related problem! Seek advice from your fellow trials riders, that is a good start, they will help you fix the problem!

Really the best way to get over anything is to move on, so out with the old in with the new, get it sorted, quit moaning about it and do something about it. Not only will you have a working wheel and be out riding again but you will be filled with a sense of achievement that you have overcome and triumphed in adversity!!


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Oh Davey Davey, what do girls prefer when it comes to the jungle below?

I can't stand leaving it to grow out of hand. In your infinite wisdom, you must know what a girl prefers in that region.

(Edit: forgot the 'oh' :$ )

Edited by Scopse
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Oh Davey Davey,

I seem to be in a bit of a dilema, I spose i had best start with the back story so you have the whole picture. Back in november I was seeing who i thought was an awesome lass, who cheated on me. Now we called it of but a couple months later we were back together, although really was a bad time, she had just met a guy and was getting on well. After seeing her a few times, we decided to try again... Did work either, and kinda ended on a bit of a sour note, the one they call trust. I pretended to never have a problem with her seeing this guy as a fried, but she always had a problem(and made a point of telling me) when i saw a friend of 10 years! Now we have just started talking again, and im pretty sure im not over her, since getting a random text from her a few days ago i haven't stopped looking at my phone, and now she wants to meet up.

Ive tried every method of closure i can think of, but still can't get her off my mind. Im pretty sure im still in love with her.

Do you have a master plan to get over someone your really care about? Should i go and meet up with her? Or should i just walk away from what is potentially a great friendship if i can get over my feelings for her?

Mean while I have my friend(the one of 10 years) who is awesome, and really attractive. But I don't know if i can continue to hold back what i really think... should i tell her or just vent to a random stranger who doesnt know her?


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