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How Tempting Is This!


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imagine your bike all the colours of the rainbow!

Sweet Jesus though if anyone tries this be careful!! I do not want replies along the lines of 'because of your post I tried anodising and now thanks to the sulphuric acid involved I am blind and have no nose and/or cock'

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Before you gimps do it on your frame know that anodizing hardens the surface of the aluminium, depending on the tubes this could make them weaker/more brittle etc.

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This isn't as easy as it seems.

And it's f**king dangerous.

I read an article about DIY anodizing but it was about 10x longer. They're missing a few key points in there, like the density of current, temperature of the bath etc. If you want a good effect, you've got to do it properly.

Good find nevertheless. And yeah, it's very tempting!

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  Inur said:
The coating is only a few microns thick, it won't make the frame more prone to cracking.

I was joking, but thinking about it, if it's a few microns thick, then I seriously wouldn't do it with a koxx frame :rolleyes:

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"Then next day 500ml of 98% sulphuric acid arrived. Cool! "

Wow my chemistry teacher told me that that stuff is like burn-a-hole-to-china- kinda strong lol yet he got it on the Internet nice wonder if he had to be checked out to but it?

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  Scopse said:
Same here. Imagine the giggles you could have chucking that sh*t on your nemesis's car, be mental! Put a bit on their roof and watch it melt all the way to the road.

Thermite is good for that, melts through engine blocks even!

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  Dont you Just Hate it When... said:
Someones been watching braniac! haha. The intense light and loud noise wouldn't really be discrete though. haha

haha oh yes.

some guy tried to melt a speed camera, not realising the computer was underground haha!

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