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British Championship Whats Really Gone On

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Dear trials forum

Please let me introduce myself, at the 24th feb meeting of biketrial uk i was elected as its new chairman, and i must apologise in advance for posting information which may atract adverse comments , this forum may be visited by any one with an interest in biketrial from around the world and quite frankly when they grasp what is going on in the uk in the name of biketrial they will be as disapointed as i am .

Biketrial is a fantastic sport one i have been very proud to be associated with for many years, from the early days when i took my son to brentwood to compete on a converted BMX bike, to starting to run early british championship meetings with the essex biketrial club and others , helping people begin their organising career and for many years enjoying running the west of englands british championship event at kelly farm ,traveling to competitions when time allowed in this country and abroad.

And so to the present day their is confusion over the british biketrial championship the reasons for this are simple

At the biketrial uk agm in jan their was controversy all this has been documented else where, but there was at the end of that meeting an agreement to run together a british championship which would have been six rounds comprising in no particular order , Tyke trial , EBTC ,west of england kelly , NBTC, west of england bottor rock, NBTC scotland.

A while later West of england, hampshire ,EBTC got a letter saying thanks heres your money back and you cant run a british championship round, at the same time who ever controlled the biketrial website posted a new british championship comprising events run by NBTC,tyke trial and NBTC scotland no meetings no democracy no consulation , we were all stunned, effectively, democraticaly and constitutionaly we were biketrial uk yet because we didnt have a web site and we were unable to post on this forum without having it removed we had no voice.

Hence we come to the situation that we are at now,on one web site www.biketrialuk there is a alleged british championship and on another which is ukbiketrial.co.uk there is the internationaly recognised british championship firist round being hook woods, no wonder people are confused this evenings postings on the trials chat have not helped .

we have been working to ensure that we have a unified british championship the olive branch has been extended something that was never offered to us , and we as an organisation are trying to ensure harmony ,however for this to happen peace has to break out.

The breakaway group have a responsibility, For the sake of the children who compete, who look up to the older people as role models , to talk amongst themselves and to come back around the table again

It would not have been my natural choice to make this statement on the trials forum, this evenings events have left me with little choice,i hope they are read in the spirit that is intended

best wishes anthony

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Hi Tony, I'm glad that you and Matt are telling people how it really is and not twisting things.

Know we have the backing of the BIU I will be contacting the press for each event and hopefully get some coverage for a change. I am really excited that finally there will be a fair commitee. We can know carry the sport forward.

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