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Trials Parks?

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I have a question for you all; How do you get a Trials park built in your local area... As me and my mates are frequently getting moved on/ told off by the Poilce and Locals... How do you persuade the council or whoever, to Build a park as I have no idea, is it a petition of some sort?, as Im sure lots of people round here will sign it, to get us of the streets etc.

The poilce often confront us and say why are you riding on this wall etc... We reply "Give us somewhere to ride then", Normally the answer is "It's not in our authority to do that". We need somewhere else to ride also it just the same every Night I'm getting quite bored of it. We need a trials park.


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Hiho! Round me there getting a skate park but they keep having these council meetings. ( There putting some trials stuff in aswell) Hopefully it will be built this summer but they keep having meetings about. They have to do this so show how many people really want it so one thing you would have to do is probabley show them how many people want the park built. Also we did some fund raising our selfs ^_^


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Best thing you can do is go round asking places with a bit of private land space if you can use a bit of square footage of that, and sign an insurance waiver.

Sorry to sound negative, but trials parks very rarely, if ever, get anywhere near happening. Loads of forum members have pushed for them. But as there isn't specifically designed, EU approved kit available (like there is with bmx ramps for making skateparks) the insurance goes through the roof.

Back home a few years ago, me and a number other local riders got as far as council committee meetings. We'd got petitions from local businesses and sports centres and police forces, all giving their approval. We'd knocked up park designs, as asked, and got letters from various suppliers donating obstacles and equipment (ballets, logs, pipes, skips, benches). But when it came to the crunch, the council refused to just put up a sign saying 'Ride here at your own risk' or what not (signs can get nicked or vandalised, leaving them liable), and wanted it fully insured. Which was going to be upwards of £1.5 million. And with that, they could make a dozen kids playgrounds, and insure them. So it was never gonna happen (short of an uber-rich investor).

By all means, best of luck if you decide to push for it. But my advice would be, don't even bother starting anything or getting your hopes up!


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We are having the same problem. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel after all. When a group of my mates were doing a Comic Relief ride, we got stopped by the police and we told them our situation about there being no where to ride. We told them about having a trials park built and now one of the police officers is doing something about getting one built. Hopefully, a park should be built. Just try and get your point across to either the council or the police about getting one built. It would help if there were a large group of you when you ask for one. It helped us because there were about 30 of us when we got stopped by the police. Just get your point acroos and do something about it. Don't wait for someone else to ask. Sorry I had to go into a life story :lol: but I hoped this helped (Y)

Edited by whostheman_121
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we have abit of one where we live, just be persistant with the council, get a petition filled. be prepared to get involved and work for it, go with ideas on how to raise money for it, things like putting on demos, dont just complain and demand. get local papers involved, get as much backing as you can. (Y) thats what we did and it worked, also be patient

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