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Monty Brake Spray

Ryan Blackwell

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Got loads of it at home. I'm almost certain it's resin in a spray.

It works very well but you'll be better off with a grind and some good pads. One of the main differences between this and tar is that if you get water on your rims the brake will still work really well. It's more for comp use really, I can't imagine somebody carrying this around on a ride.

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I haven't used this for a while but used to use it on my old Monty with Maggy's and Monty Milk pads. Basically, it is incredibly effective- read 'dangerous when used in anything other than small doses!'. Makes the brake crazy loud and very very 'bitey' at the cost of modulation. If you spray a small amount on even one side of the rim you'll notice a big change on braking performance and lock.

Now for the but... First thing I'd say is that if the going gets wet it obviously gets rubbed off very quickly and is basically of little or no use. I guess it was developed for the Spanish riders in their lovely dry warm climate! The second thing is that the stuff is so sticky that in very dusty conditions it does tend to get a fine coating on it which reduces the effect.

So basically, if you use a little and often when riding in dry conditions and don't mind the noise or lack of modulation you'll absolutely love it!! It's not exactly going to break the bank so if you think it might be of use, give it a go- a can will last you a long time, believe me!

Hope that helps a bit,


Edited by monkeyseemonkeydo
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If you want to cover your rim in white stuff, and make it look like you creamed all over it..then go for it. ;)

If you put a little too much on, your pads will properly stick to the rim... much worse than too much tar.

It does make the brake a lot better..but so do good pads, or a grind. :)

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A few things people haven't mentioned. The spray doesn't last very long. An hours ride at most and thats with alot of it on. But also even compared to tar it still has it's advantages. One not said that if you apply more and more the effect doesn't change too much but with tar it just gets worse.

Also like said it's very messy. And expect to have you finger stick the the cap.

By the way all the writing on the tin is in spanish but for maximum performance you have to spray lightly on the rim while spinning (not too much) then leave to dry for 5 minutes.

Listen to the noise and let it fill you with more confidence than any pads on any grind would ever give you.

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By the way all the writing on the tin is in spanish but for maximum performance you have to spray lightly on the rim while spinning (not too much) then leave to dry for 5 minutes.

Nope, they do a clumsy english version as well.

EDIT: here we go:

-Turn upside down the bicycle.

-Clean the rims, both sides and the brake shoes.

-Make the wheel turn strongly

-Spray slightly both sides of the rim with "MONTY BRAKE"

-Turn up the bicycle

-Brake smoothly while pushing the bicycle 5 meters fowards in order to get total uniformity of the liquid

-Wait 3 minutes and the brake performing will be optimum

Under pressure tin. Not to be exposed to the sun, neither to temperatures over the 50C. Not to be drilled or burnt, even after havind (?) used it. Not spray the liquid on a flame or any incandescent substance.


-Keep the tin away from any ignition source. Not to smoke.

-Harmful for inhalation.

-Keep the children away from the tin.

-Not to drink or eat while handling the tin.

Found some of this stuff quite amusing :D

Gets the message across - it's incredibly dangerous and shouldn't be used by anybody.

Edited by Inur
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-Not to drink or eat while handling the tin

I have come to make quite a habit of eating a nice sandwich whilst spraying my rim with a very sticky liquid at the same time. ;)

Oh well i guess they have to be shure some stupid person wont spray it over the hotdog as some type on sauce.

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Hey guys i had a look on tarty and came across monty brake spray Brake spray and they have given it it the nick name Tar in a can.

Has anybody tried this before and can anybody give me a review of it and how well it works.

I tried the search but found nothing.

Cheers guys.

yeah i got some and thought it was pretty nice, good lock and no slip fooking loud to, until i noticed how badly it gums your magura pistons up!!

get a grind and nice Pads :D

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Hey guys i had a look on tarty and came across monty brake spray Brake spray and they have given it it the nick name Tar in a can.

Has anybody tried this before and can anybody give me a review of it and how well it works.

I tried the search but found nothing.

Cheers guys.

it used to be the bees knee's but so was old skool :-

to be fair it did serve it's purpose in the day

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