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British Champs? Whats Going On


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Just sorted my form out for braken rocks on th 15th April for the 1st round of the British when Scott sent me a link to ukbiketrial which says the first British round is at Hook woods on the 29th of April. Anyone know what is going on here? As i'm clueless to what dates to get off work etc.


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i'm in the same boat as you patt, it seems there is 2 biketrial uk's/brit champs. I'm intending to go to hok woods in april as you dont need gears and you get a free biu liscence!! Can some one else please clarify who's the commitee, what are the events etc. cheers-Hugh

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The Hook Woods trial is the first round of the 2007 British Biketrial Championship you can find out more details on, www.ukbiketrial.co.uk which is at present the official website of BikeTrial UK which is recognised as the only official organising body of the British BikeTrial Championship.

For news updates and information on this seasons BIU events refer to www.ukbiketrial.co.uk

If you would like clarification for all thats gone on, head to the downloads page on the UKBikeTrial website and download the statment from the EBU.


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The Hook Woods trial is the first round of the 2007 British Biketrial Championship you can find out more details on, www.ukbiketrial.co.uk which is at present the official website of BikeTrial UK which is recognised as the only official organising body of the British BikeTrial Championship.

For news updates and information on this seasons BIU events refer to www.ukbiketrial.co.uk

If you would like clarification for all thats gone on, head to the downloads page on the UKBikeTrial website and download the statment from the EBU.


so like i said in the first place, there is two british championships then. aha.

i for one, already seem to prefer this one. it seems to be ran better, and has taken into consideration the riders thoughts, which i believe is needed in such a small sport!

nice one matt and co!!

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so like i said in the first place, there is two british championships then. aha.

No there is only one Official British Biketrial Championship which is recognised by the BIU and is the only one which can qualify a rider to ride in the European and World BikeTrial Championships. We hope that NBTC and TykeTrial will rejoin us and both run a round of the British Championship as they have some of the best venues in the country.

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i for one, already seem to prefer this one. it seems to be ran better,

I thinks it's a little early to say that before a single event has been run.

So where does BiketrialUK fit into this, as the new organisation is UKBiketrial (at least as far as the URLs go). Will this see the start of UCI rules becoming the prevalent regulations in the UK?

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so do the people that already have a biu licence need a new one?, and do we need an acu aswell, a i thourght the insurance was with the biu licance?

soo confusing

EDIT: just been looking at the rules and theres nothig on gears, does that mean we can run singlespeed now?

Edited by wad
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I thinks it's a little early to say that before a single event has been run.

So where does BiketrialUK fit into this, as the new organisation is UKBiketrial (at least as far as the URLs go). Will this see the start of UCI rules becoming the prevalent regulations in the UK?

Firstly it's not a new BikeTrial UK, but the original one, it's not fair to go into all the poilitics here, but rest assured it's business as usual, though there are some exciting new plans for the coming year. Secondly NO there will be NO UCI Rules in the British BikeTrial Championship, that's just a missconception started by some people. So once again to say NO THIS WILL BE A BIU Championship with BIU Rules, the only departure is that as with Spain and Russia we are allowing single speed 26" Bikes to be eligable for Championship points, we will see how that goes for this year and review it at the end of the season. You can also enter with your geared bike as in 06.

so do the people that already have a biu licence need a new one?, and do we need an acu aswell, a i thourght the insurance was with the biu licance?

soo confusing

EDIT: just been looking at the rules and theres nothig on gears, does that mean we can run singlespeed now?

We were hoping to have had this all resolved before Licences were sent out, but sadly this was not possible. If you have already received you 2007 BIU Licence then once all the paperwork has arrived with Barry Deeks the new 2007 BIU Delegate, BikeTrial UK will pay for your ACU Licence, which is required as in previous years, as it was our intention to give out the BIU Licences FREE to all UK Riders. If you have paid for an ACU Licence as well as a BIU Licence then BikeTrial UK will re-inburse you the £10 that you paid for the BIU Licence.

As for your single speed question please see the answer above.

yet again the whole of biketrial in the uk seems to be falling part and two sets of british rounds forming? what is going on?

the sport is not big enough for this to happen in the uk.......................................

can any one shed any light inot the matter?


BikeTrial in the Uk is FAR from falling apart, there will not be 2 officially recognised Championships in the UK.

Your right the UK is not big enough. If you want to know more all riders will have the opportunity to come to our Trials Open Forum that we are planning on having at ACU headquarters in Rugby on 21st April, if you can't make it we will be posting all the info of what's going on, as well as Committee meeting minutes, event write ups, pictures plus loads more, Like the NEW Veteran Class For 2007.

To keep fully updated on BikeTrial UK News go to www.ukbiketrial.co.uk


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Ok this is just silly




I was! Going to send me entry form off for the trial on the 15th April at Bracken Rocks. Now there a different site telling me first round of the British Championship is on 29th April at Hook Woods. Now I’m not sure what to do.

Think I know what’s gone on here not sure if it for the best. I hope it is though because we don’t want our sport to be going backwards.

Tom A

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Firstly it's not a new BikeTrial UK, but the original one, it's not fair to go into all the poilitics here, but rest assured it's business as usual, though there are some exciting new plans for the coming year. Secondly NO there will be NO UCI Rules in the British BikeTrial Championship, that's just a missconception started by some people. So once again to say NO THIS WILL BE A BIU Championship with BIU Rules, the only departure is that as with Spain and Russia we are allowing single speed 26" Bikes to be eligable for Championship points, we will see how that goes for this year and review it at the end of the season. You can also enter with your geared bike as in 06.

Matt, to clarify, there are currently two websites listing two separate championships. I hope you can appreciate how this looks with regards to a new and old BiketrialUK...

My point about UCI rumours was merely speculation, nothing more.

Good luck on the championship, and to Barry on becoming delegate.

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Ok this is just silly




I was! Going to send me entry form off for the trial on the 15th April at Bracken Rocks. Now there a different site telling me first round of the British Championship is on 29th April at Hook Woods. Now I’m not sure what to do.

Think I know what’s gone on here not sure if it for the best. I hope it is though because we don’t want our sport to be going backwards.

Tom A

As was said before the first round of the British BikeTrial Championship is at Hook Woods on the 29th April. Entry Forms can be downloaded from the UKBikeTrial website.

The sport is most definatly not going backwards, only onwards and upwards.


Matt, to clarify, there are currently two websites listing two separate championships. I hope you can appreciate how this looks with regards to a new and old BiketrialUK...

My point about UCI rumours was merely speculation, nothing more.

Good luck on the championship, and to Barry on becoming delegate.

Just to clarify. The original website is at present not controlled by the committee of BikeTrial Uk and we are awaiting the codes, so that we can upload current information that has been discussed, voted and aproved by the committee.

Until we have regained control of that site it would be best to disregard any Championhip info that you may read on it.

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I'm still clueless what to do hehe.

the only departure is that as with Spain and Russia we are allowing single speed 26" Bikes to be eligable for Championship points

I did the Spanish championship the other week and it was still neccesary to have gears 6 working gaers :S

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Oh dear oh dear what a shower of shit.

Agreed. This is a small sport with quite a few likeminded people riding because it's fun and enjoyable. Only a minority of trials riders actually do comps and all this stupid in-fighting is beyond a joke. Get your %&*$ing acts together people...

If you have already received you 2007 BIU Licence then once all the paperwork has arrived with Barry Deeks the new 2007 BIU Delegate, BikeTrial UK will pay for your ACU Licence, which is required as in previous years, as it was our intention to give out the BIU Licences FREE to all UK Riders. If you have paid for an ACU Licence as well as a BIU Licence then BikeTrial UK will re-inburse you the £10 that you paid for the BIU Licence.

Ok... I've bought my ACU license (as I always do) and got the form for the BIU license the other day demanding payment of £10 for the BIU, which wasn't what happened last year, providing you only wanted to attend events in the UK. So do I just send off the BIU form with no payment now or what? Also, please clarify who's running which comps... I'd be interested in the Hook Woods comp but not if it's run by the splinter cell who have been trying to charge for licenses etc.


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Quote "It was discussed and agreed that it was unfortunate that NBTC and TykeTrials had not attended the meeting" Un-quote

Nobody from Tyke's was invited to this meeting hence nobody went, simple as that really. How does that work then ?

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Oh dear oh dear what a shower of shit.

I think we might take up bowls or something. :angry:

What a shame I thought that all this could remain civil! If it's Sam and Robbie swearing then I hope your Parents don't see, If it's your Dad's swearing then shame on you for putting the words in their mouths!

It really is quite simple. If you want to take part in a British BikeTrial Championship that is recognised by the BIU and will count towards eligability for International events, ride at evets where the sport is run by a 14 strong democratic committee, not one where 2 or 3 people call all the shots, if you want to ride in a championship where your opinions are heard and listened to, if you want to ride in comps where you have full insurance cover as well as all the officials under an umbrella organisation with over 100 years of off road 2 wheeled sport experience, then enter the first round of the British Biketrial Championship at Hook Woods.

We are not the splinter group, we have remained BikeTRial Uk and will remain so, we are recognised by both the European Bike Union as well as the BikeTrial International Union. People can throw as many stones as they like, as well as unfounded accusations, if you really want to know whats going on you need to go to our website.

The reason that this has taken so long to sort out is that the Democratic process takes a little time, I know that the wait will have been worth it.

maybe the mud slinging can stop now and we can start to build OUR sport

Agreed. This is a small sport with quite a few likeminded people riding because it's fun and enjoyable. Only a minority of trials riders actually do comps and all this stupid in-fighting is beyond a joke. Get your %&*$ing acts together people...

Ok... I've bought my ACU license (as I always do) and got the form for the BIU license the other day demanding payment of £10 for the BIU, which wasn't what happened last year, providing you only wanted to attend events in the UK. So do I just send off the BIU form with no payment now or what? Also, please clarify who's running which comps... I'd be interested in the Hook Woods comp but not if it's run by the splinter cell who have been trying to charge for licenses etc.


If you send your application form to

Barry Deeks (BIU UK Delegate)

21 Horse and Groom Lane




Then Barry can do the rest, we are waiting for the previous BIU Delegate (Fred Savage) to send Barry the stamps and paper work, as soon as he's done that then Barry will be up and away, this will be as soon as he gets the relevent stuff from Fred Savage, we hope that this will be done within the next few days!!!

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am in the same boat as all the other riders here, i only found out about this situation last weekend and dont know where i stand.

everyone should pull together here........

Baz the BIU delegate, thats good news he is old school (Y)

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NOT even going to waste my time.

i have more fun NOT logging onto this forum.

People can get on with trials and do as they want or please it personal opinions and matters. i will attend what i want when i want.

We'll see how the year goes..............and turns out.................


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OK lets re word my last post:

answer me the following questions matt:

1) WHY was george ayre given a vote of no confidence?

2) WHY would a new BTUK wish to over take the existing?

3) WHY was there a pledge against barbara wright? AND WHY?

4) WHY was Fred Savage to be super seeded by a new BIU delegate? what had he done incorrect? or wrong?

for the other forum members, we will not receive answers to these 4 questions or the answers will intrigue me and a few other people!!!!

Im pretty happy in a way that this has happened, we will see IF Danny B can win Masters this year without Ben Savage turning up? we will see how many other riders will suceed in the cadet and senior class as i do seem to remember a few boys from up north (Sam Oliver, Chris Boyes, Chris Walker, would all be on for WINNING their categories) the results sure will be different this year wont they? maybe this is what you want? you dont want the "best" riders turning up.

Tupman YOU KNEW this thread would not stay civil so why posts that BU**S*IT up?

Dave, obviously a southern rider eh???? yes you pay £10.00 for a biu license that would help fund a WBC and an EBC? butn thats shit isnt it? youd rather the sport got no where in this country with just brit champs and local rounds? look at spain? they hold a world round nearly every year, you need more thought before your biased posts!!!! remember when you cross a road? STOP ---- LOOK ---- LISTEN

im smug and smart, but im extremly pissed off that the sport i have had such sucess in the last 2years has fallen apart over petty arguements that now "a group" of people who have been willing to spoil it for others have got what they wanted in un forseen circumstances.

Matt dont forget to answer the above 4 questions, maybe you will need to ask your dad, Dave Butler, Barry Deeks, Brian Matthews "your comittee" and get back to us, i suppose it could take sometime to answer them truthfully, as the amount of lies that come out of your comittee are that great you wouldnt know weather you were telling the truth or lying half the time. if you dont answer then id hope the rest of the forum would SEE and understand that the "new" btuk is full of hoax and full of lying people.


Waynio.Firstly the democratic process takes time, you've asked alot of questions so I will do my best to answer them all, without threats or bad language.

1. A vote of no confidence was called by my Dad Phil Tupman (Secretary of BikeTrial Uk ) Why? Well after the first meeting on January 14th it was agreed that BTUK would remain with ACU as our insurance supplier and that their would be a British Championship that involved EBTC, Tyke Trials NBTC West of England & NBTC Scotland, not everyone was happy with the decision, but that was what was agreed, a week later George Eyre sent out a letter saying that, basically He was closing down BTUK and that Barbara Wright would distribute the money held in the BTUK account, all this without any form of BTUK Meeting, it was this that made the for the Vote of no confidence in George Eyre.

2. As far as I know George Eyre, Fred Savage, Barbara Wright it may have been other people as well, decided that as they could not win the vote in the committee as 7 other committee members did not agree with them that they would set up on their own and say that they where now BTUK, the rest of the committee were not prepared to take that action lying down so instead of giving up they have done no more than play by the rules, I'm not aware of EBTC West of England or Hampshire BT being voted off the committee or Tyke Trials, NBTC for that matter.

3. Sorry I don't know what you mean about when you say pledge against Barbara Wright, if you mean why has she been excluded, well at the meeting on 14th January she resigned her post as secretary of Bike Trial UK, I could go into the reasons, but I wouldn't want to be accused of putting words into her mouth. My dad was voted on as acting secretary at that meeting and was later at February voted on for the year

4. Fred Savage was purely not voted in as BIU Delegate for this year, he had the opportunity to come to the meeting held in February, as did Barbara Wright, George Eyre as well as delegates of Tyke Trial and NBTC.

Why was Fred Savage not voted back in, well as the then BIU Delegate it was one of his responsibilities to see that BTUK was run constitutionally, democratically and in the spirit that it is run in by the BIU. I don't know about you, but watching over the slicing up BTUK funds, (Your Money as well as all the other riders money!), excluding Hampshire BT EBTC and West of England Clubs didn't and still doesn't seem very democratic or constitutional, to the majority of us.

I think that I speak on behalf of everyone, when I say that we all want to see all riders from throughout the Uk riding in this years Championship, I know that your not happy that's easy to see by the threats that your making to me, I still don't understand why everyone is getting so abusive, their will be a Uk Championship this year, it will include both great riders like Ben Savage, Sam Oliver Etc, right down to people who are just starting out in the sport and that's just the way it should be, not, just an elitist riders club (Sorry you Elite Riders no pun intended) .

As for running a World Round, why should that be any different to when Barbara Wright and all that helped in 2005 (Myself included), we can still run a World round if we put our Country forward.

Why when someone posts something that you don't agree with do you say it's B****t all I've done is answer the questions asked by people on the forum and said that they should log onto the web site, or is it that democracy only counts if YOU agree with what's being said?

I think that you should maybe apologies to Mr. Musil for slagging him off, he as with alot of others has worked tirelessly for BikeTrialing around Europe and the World and it's riders for more years than most riders in this Country have been riding for and doesn't deserve to be spoken about in such a disrespectful manner.

The committee will continue to post the minutes of all our meeting on our website, these are minutes that have been agreed as FACTUAL by the committee, that doesn't mean that everyone agreed with the decisions, but that’s what democracy is all about, free and open discussion in a polite manner, with a vote at the end and people sticking to it.

I think that saying that Anthony Rew (Chairman) Phil Tupman (Secretary), Carol Slinger (Treasurer), Barry Deeks (BIU Delegate), Brian Matthews (EBU Delegate), Andrei Burton (PR Officer) Dave Bradley, EBTC, Rob Parsons, EBTC, Terry Graves Hampshire BT and Myself are Hoaxers and liars, is totally out of order especially as you have not attended any of the meetings that you are talking about.

Lastly I really am sorry that this is being thrown around the Trials Forum, that's why we have a website, I hope that Fred Savage will post to confirm that he is no longer BIU Delegate and so put a stop to all this agro I would rather spend my time talking about bikes and stuff on the forum and anyway I'm off to work know, look foirward to seeing many of you at the Koxx week, where as far as I'm concerned I'm there for fun on my bike am not planning on getting dragged into more talk about BTUK, that's for the committee meeting!



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