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Ps3, Who Wants One?


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Did someone say 'Black Xbox360 without HD-DVD support out in April'?

Yes. :P

I picked one after work at about 2am in the morning of the 23rd (I work at GAME so was made to work the midnight launch) its pretty neat.


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friend bought a ps3 today, it was stolen..got it for 50£, he says the gfx are exactly the same as the 360's, the menu layout on dashboard is the same as the psp (which sucks so bad)

and ps3 has'nt got media centre like the 360 has, so all in all the 360 is better.

why spend 500 big ones when you could get a better console for 300£

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Trouble with blue ray for games, is that the transfer rate between disc and PS3 is slower then the normal DVDs.

The PS3's gfx card is less powerfull then the 360's

The PS3 is insanely hard to code for

The 360 is settle down, people know how to code for it, they have sorted out any issues on the machine they had at launch, and has a better controller(with rumble)

To tired to put it into something more coherent.

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Some of you people geeeez!

Talk about handbags at dawn, im sure if the xbox 360 was kept at a ridiculously high price and you wanted one...you would buy it.

PS3 is at a high price, people want it therefore people buy it, last time i checked aswell you buy a console for the decent games it has to offer (or in ps3 case games it will eventually have to offer) and the ability to play HD dvd's is also a bonus, i love the way everyone goes...oh xbox 360 has a media centre that makes it a better games console its just one of those extras that sounds good but the novelty of it soon wears off as you hardly use it same as the ps3 controllers, the way they can be used in the same way as the nintendo wii controllers where you move the controller and you can change direction etc, that sounds quite good but its kinda boring already.

I slated the 360 when it first came out, but once of my mates had it i thought its a pretty good machine, and after ive got my ps3 i think its pretty much the same as the 360 as what it has to offer.

Edited by Bondy
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It may seem expensive, but as people have said, it does have the technology crammed into it.

Look at it this way.. How many people go out and pay £3000 for a big HD Tv?? Would you say that was expensive, I mean its only a tv?? Or someone who goes out and spends £100,000 on a Ferrari, I mean its only a car. Or Spending £500,000 on a villa in Spain, I mean its only a house.

Theres always going to be cheaper alternatives to anything in life.

Ive not played one so cant comment on whether I think they are worth the money, so Im not going to.

Oh and Blu-Ray will probably win this fight im afraid. At the end of the day, there is far more support from Hollywood for Blu-ray than HDDVD.

Blu-Ray: Buena Vista, Disney, 20th centry Fox, Lionsgate, MGM, Sony Pictures, Paramount, Warner Brothers, Dreamworks

HDDVD: Universal, Pathe

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Blu-Ray: Buena Vista, Disney, 20th centry Fox, Lionsgate, MGM, Sony Pictures, Paramount, Warner Brothers, Dreamworks

HDDVD: Universal, Pathe

It depends where you read, if you go to sources such as http://www.blu-ray.com, that's the list they give you, if you go to http://www.thelookandsoundofperfect.com/ and look at the bottom, at all the supporters links...

Either way, the Xbox 360 hasn't dedicated itself to one format, so if, Blu Ray should win, Microsoft have said they will release Blu Ray drives, i the smae way that they have released HD DVD drives. Unlike Sony, who have tied you into using Blu Ray.

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None of you are still not getting my point. :(

oh xbox 360 has a media centre that makes it a better games console its just one of those extras

Yes, but it wasn't at such a stupid price on release that they had to sell the console based solely on this fact, thats the point i'm trying to make.

you move the controller and you can change direction etc, that sounds quite good but its kinda boring already.

Quite boring?!

and after ive got my ps3 i think its pretty much the same as the 360 as what it has to offer.

Er, is that not kinda saying that a 300 quid console is as good as a 500 one? :blink:

Look at it this way.. How many people go out and pay £3000 for a big HD Tv?? Would you say that was expensive, I mean its only a tv?? Or someone who goes out and spends £100,000 on a Ferrari, I mean its only a car. Or Spending £500,000 on a villa in Spain, I mean its only a house.

Yes, but there not selling a big high definition TV with the slogon "with the most expensive and most technologically advanced tv stand, ever!". I know Sony aren't selling it purely on Blu-Ray, but everyone else is.

This is the whole point i'm trying to make.

500 quid, if it was 500 quid worth of graphics or interactivity, but not a 200 quid console with a 300 quid disc reader...

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