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Tips On Bedding In My New Bb7


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So, Ive had my bb7 a couple of rides worth, and its still not really working as well as I was expecting at all, it works but just doesnt have nearly enough bite or hold, will often on full lock slip loads still.

Any tips on bedding it in, or anything?

I made sure when installing it i DID NOT get any oils on the disk/pads, and I didnt touch the contact area of the rotor on purpose, so should be pretty damn oil-free!


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This is what i did and my brake is no insane, go and get a plastic tub of some kind, an ice cream tube etc would be perfect, fill it with some wet ish mud, then add more water, mix it abit so that you get a browny coloured water (ie the water has small bits of the mud in it) then pour just the muddy water onto the rotor, make sure there are no large bits of stone or mud on the rotor as this could wreck the pads. then ride around using you brake, after a few times of adding the muddy water it should be ALOT better (Y)


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I would take the pads out and decontaminate them by burning them - either either a gas hob or a blow torch directly on them until you get no more black smoke (that's the oil/grease burning). Then clean the disc with some degreaser stuff if you've got it, or some very CLEAN water + soap. Don't do this in the kitchen sink as that'll be greasy before you start.

Then put it all back together safe in the knowledge that it's as clean as it could be. Then try bedding in with the methods suggested above - I would recommend just water though.

tit rubbing


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Heard about this technique before, what is the maximum temperature I can expose the pads to?

EDIT: just doing it with a blowtorch, is it normal for a pad to set on fire?

Yeah, for a few seconds or something.

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it could be your lever, mine has been wank for ages, i got a new lever and cable and now its gone nuts, im not joking either, it will flip you off. the avid SD7 pff tarty for 11 quid is what im using now, replacing my avid ad3. the difference if the spongyness adjuster.

so a sd7, sd5 of xtr lever would be perfect, and any others that are fully adjustable

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I just whack mine on the treadmil, just 10 mins of dabbing on and off, after this its more than good enough to use till it reaches its full potential after a week or twos riding. I use an avid fr5 lever, it has more than enough bite to stop me dead on a rail, even with my fat ass.

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