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Control Computer Games With Your Mind


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Wow, now all the at kids that sit on there asses and only exercise their thumbs all day, wont even need that little bit of exercise!

...But on a serious note, that is truly amazing, soon we will be able to have virtual reality helmets that we can just escape to another place with!

Cheers, Rorz!

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well i wasnt really thinking about how it can hinder children but more on the positives for helping people who are paralized and disabled to play games or even control over things to help them be more independant, hopefully it will be used more for that . . . . .


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Why not a riding game where you can use some bars to control and whatever. That might be fun. Plug and Play Zoo! bars for the Wi. :-

Absolute quality, ohh i wish there was a real trials game, like a matt hofman one or whatever, but a trials version.

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That's gotta be fake.

There's no way you can transmit that sort of information through your skull to a few electrodes in a sweat band.

It seems that it can only handle Discrete Data, in that it has a yes or no choice, which is why he is having to use the mouse to contol the FOV.

However, i don't understand how it would differentiate which control would be triggered by what, I'm fairly sure that when I play games, it's the same part of my brain functioning, and whether I want to jump or cahnge weapon, it's a similar sort of action going on in my head, the only difference being in my co-ordiantion, as such my nerves. How that would all be picked up by a head band, I have no idea.

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