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Tarty Bikes - Tom Swindlehurst Gu Video 1

Danny Swindlehurst

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now then people,

just a short video of my brother on his new gu! his name is tom and he is 11

the vids been made round kendal and has been filmed over a few rides

its been edited buy me !

here it is:-


cheers danny and tom ... :turned:

Edited by Danny Swindlehurst
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Really wish my brother was as cool as yours.. :( I loved that video,Editing was mint, Same with the riding. (Y) One tip for your bro though..Dunno if it would work,But tell him to do more streety stuff when hes praticing/Riding...E.g Pivots,Manuals,180's,Bunnyhops etc etc...In return, It should give him more power and control when hes going big. :)

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Not bad for a little guy... Heck, not bad for any guy!

Great riding, great vid.

Please pass along my respect and astonishment to him. (Y)


The trademark of really good editing is the proper showcasing of the subject.

Danny, you did such an awesome job with the video, that my focus went totally to him.

Watching again made me realize that your editing was top notch and illustrated his riding quite well.

Props go out to you, too.

Edited by wunderboy
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excellent video, he is becoming such a good rider its just a shame you keep getting him to ride street dan otherwise weade see him at the uci worlds in a few years. but if thats what he likes dooing then thats cool because he is a beast lad.

my only critisism about the video is the repetetive use of black and white which you used 10 or so times, its a good effect but it gets boring after a while, apart from that it was spot on.try saving clips up for a few months before bringing out another one and i am sure it will be awesome.

steve :)

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Very nice for an 11 year rider :o

I wish i had an older brother at that age which introduced me to trials =/

And i have to agree with some of the previous comments, the bike does look too long for him

I think he could tuck better on a shorter bike, since hes already streched out on this one most of the time

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I guess i'm the only person that didn't really like that video.

I mean, fair do's he's 11 and riding very well indeed, by that and his future potential as a rider i was impressed. But the general feel of the video and some of the sketchy clips in the video bored me a lot. Guess he's just got an early start on all this repetitive tap, gap, sidehop riding.

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Agree with the 2nd post, I liked the editing, quite creative. Im gonna sound like a plonker now but I got bored with the riding. I know you're young and some things you're probably better than me at but recently all videos have been are gaps, drop gaps and sidehops... I know it's 20" but surely theres more you can do with them? I feel like a plonker now so i'll say no more! Good work if you are only 11, though! :blink:


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get him an old skool monty with an eno, he'll be away, he has so much more in him on a shorter bike, i had the same thing when i was younger, im a short lad, i tried long bikes but rode much better on a pashley 26mhz and a leeson, you wouldn't have thought at first but long isnt always the way, even now i have to keep it shortish.

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