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last i saw was hot fuzz too, was prettey funny :D



pretty much the same as what he says, found it quite amusing myself, wasnt the best film id seen, but was amusing, and shall be watching it again. got some cracking lines in there.

"want to be a big cop in a small town? well f**k off to the model village then"

would give it a 8/10 myself too.

severance deserves a similar rating too i think, although that me because it has danny dyer in it, and hes the greatest man on this earth. hence the reason im gunna go see outlaw tonight. so expect a a mini review of that tonight.

watched the guardian last night, wasnt as bad as i was expecting,would get a 7/10 myself. really was expecting a crappy movie. but wasnt too bad.

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day of the dead....

or maybe it was dawn....

the one with the black guy with really wide eyes.

anyway, i was kinda drunk and not really interested but from what i saw it was so lame.

hahahaha it was like really poorly acted and very OTT, although i know that was probably the point, i hate it when films drag it out with nothing going on.

i'd give it a 6 out of sweet.

*prepares to be flamed by zombie lovers*

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  Charel said:
children of men 8/10

bloody harrowing i tell thee.

very good apart from the obvious bits of plagiarism from 1984.

also, the sets were great and the childbirth scene looked far too real.

Yeah, saw that in the cinema and thought it was amazing, really well done and great acting from Clive Owen

For anyone who's bored and wants to watch a film check this out

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The Business. 5/10 don't watch it, watch The Football Factory instead, Nick Love has a very singular style, so if you've seen one of his films, you've seen them all, so the one to watch is Football Factory, because it's awesome.

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  Haz said:
The Business. 5/10 don't watch it, watch The Football Factory instead, Nick Love has a very singular style, so if you've seen one of his films, you've seen them all, so the one to watch is Football Factory, because it's awesome.

you seen goodbye charlie bright?? tis another nick love film, and is one of my favourite films, trouble is, most of the actors he uses are typecast. danny dyer plays the hardboi drug taking, casual sex loing chav in nearly every film hes in now.

so lookin at it like this.

danny dyer - goodbye charlie bright

- football factory

- human traffic

- the business

- severance(yes he plays a drug loving cockney chav in this film too, who loves casual sex)

- outlaw ( dont know exactly what he plays in this, ill tell you tonight)

always plays a drug taking londoner who in most films has the hardboi image

frank harper - lock stock

- football factory

- goodbye charlie bright(maybe hes slightly different in this,as he only has a minor role, but still had the hardman middle aged casual hoolie image going on)

tamer hassan - football factory

- the business

- goodbye charlie bright

roland manookian - football factory

- goodbye charlie bright

- the business

can see how they all play similar roles in all of the films.

personally like the way nick loves films are similar, as i like his style, but the same actors do get used over an over again,and when used by different directors, they still have the same image. even raff in football factory, plays a similar, minor role of london chav in goodbye charlie bright.(calum mcnab i think in real life).

just watched twin town again, is a brilliant film to have on in the background,i love it so much, gotta be an 8.5/10. "well dylan thomas didnt do as much f**king cocaine as you did he". "'Ealthhh spa!!" legendary.

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Yeah, my friend is a Nick Love fan, he gave me a load of DVDs, haven't watched them all yet, I'm fairly sure Goodbye Charlie Bright was in there.

I don't mind any of the actors, the roles they play are faily well suited, but I love the narrative by Danny Dyer in The Football Factory, and it just doesn't work in The Business, for me. Will let you know what I think of GCB.

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  icspe said:
The 51st states 7.5/10

a nice film about a drug made of legal ingredients that was 51times more hallucinogenic than other drugs and so on

but it left me with the feeling that it was a lie and that wasnt even a drug

watch it!

Watched that last week, really was pretty good!

Watched Ghost Rider last night, h`mmm GR looked really great, but the stupid Buffy demons let it down.

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  icspe said:
The 51st states 7.5/10

a nice film about a drug made of legal ingredients that was 51times more hallucinogenic than other drugs and so on

but it left me with the feeling that it was a lie and that wasnt even a drug

watch it!

Great film !

Last film I wathed was Goodfellas!

Classic Film !

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just seen outlaw, a bit unsure on it, mainly cos danny dyer wasnt his usual self, which throws all my typecast bollox out the window. wasnt really concentratin on the film either. seemed ok, but different to nick loves normal work, which also pisses on haz's "nick loves got a singular style" comment. had barely any comic elements to it. had no roman manookian in it(first for a nick love film?), was more gritty than i expected. but i kinda enjoyed it, but thats only cos im into military and violence and guns an stuff( i like to think of myself as a softcore version of si-man)

only giving it a 6.5/10, although this may go up next time i see it. also think i was a wee bit too hyped over it, didnt expect goodbye charlie bright to be anything special, and it was, same deal with football factory, and the business. id kind of built outlaw up to me some crazy ex military fueled, football casual, chav beating deathmatch, with danny dyer into his drugs, and it just wasnt what i was expecting.

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  endofreak said:
The Number 23 - 2/10

The storyline was vaguely interesting but for god's sake please don't let Jim Carrey do a serious movie again.

He genuinely is toss at them isn't he? The film bored me almost to tears.

edit: Although 'fingerling in the zoo' did make me giggle lol.

Edited by zoo
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Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence

Rating: 9 out of 10

The animation is astoundingly good, and the story is better. Only thing the makes this not a 10 out of 10, is that like the first Ghost in the Shell, makes you think possibly to much, and can be quite confusing.

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Saw 3 - Ridiculous, over the top, plot- what plot?, Infuriating! The only good thing I can say is that it was fairly watchable- if only to pick holes in the plot/ shout at the annoying characters 4/10

"this will relieve your headaches" <Drills into skull>.... Riiiight course it will :lol:

and the tit who was playing the game. Make a bloody decision and quick! either save them or let them die a painful death. Dont um and ah for 5 mins, change your mind 4 times, then put in a half arsed attempt at saving them by which time they are too mangled to be worth saving anyway :lol: ididot.

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Amily (or somthing like that)

Pretty random film! in french with english subtitles, plot was a bit confusing, random french girl doing random stuff to make random people happy, then finds out she needs to make herself happy too and goes on a big "find me if you can" with some bloak who likes to collect discarded photos from photo booths.

shes pretty cute though, so that bumps the score up, so I give it 7-10

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