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Anchorman. I watched this a bit ago and didn't really 'get' him. Then i have had it on repeat for the last week. it is f**king brilliant!


Brick is THE best person in that film. Makes me lol so much

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Im with matey up there who said about pirates of the caribbean. Fookin sucked.

Partly to do with the fact i dont 'think' i've seen the second one, so it didn't make a whole lotta sence. First time i've been to the cinema in a longgg time where there was an intermission, first time i've been to the cinema and fell asleep, twice. and snored. Seriously.

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"What you ate a whole wheel of cheese?!

Actually, I'm not even mad, that's amazing"

:lol: Love that film.

"I dont know how to put this but I'm kind of a big deal.... I'm very important. I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany." :lol:

'I don't know what we're yelling about!


Far too quoteable film...

'Boy that escalated quick'

'Yeah... Brick killed a guy'

'Yeah I stabbed him in the heart'

'With a trident'

'Ive been wanting to talk to you about that Brick, you may want to lay low for a while'

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Spiderman 3= 8/10

. Too long-the story dragged along a bit...

. The seats were terrible, got a dead arse, after 20 mins...

So would recommend it, but walk out and go to the toilet or something after an hour and return for the last bit, and also go to a decent cinema, with half decent seats...



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The Fountain - 9/10

This film is effectively about life extension/immortality and/or reincarnation centering around two individuals romantically involved (Hugh Jackman and some women whom I've forgotten the name of). Made my the same chap who directed "Requiem for a Dream". Although I usually cringe at most film romance, I found this to be acceptable. What really makes the movie good is its non-linear story line which confuses you by jumping between three differing periods of time. The plot and its message takes some thinking about but I still think it can be enjoyed with out any thought effort basically for the way its shot and edited. I thought the music was brilliant and befitting. I was suprised at Hugh Jacnkman's acting which I also thought was quite good).

Ideally watched whilst stoned but noting that I say this about most things.

The Believer - 8/10

This one stars Ryan Gossling whom I recently watched in Half Nelson which I thought was amazing. I think his acting is some of the best about right now. Anyway, this film centers around Gossling's character as a Jewish Nazi. It's a paradox that gives the film some psychological intelligence. Basically this guy is on self destruct but he's externalised that self destruction into the outside world, using other jewish people as a means of getting at himself. At least that's how I interpreted it. Another one that has lots to think about.

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the hitcher, think sean bean is a cool actor but the film had like 1 exciting scene 5/10

also disturbia thatt was reccomended , had the tall guy from green mile in as an evil psycho killer, bloody boring though 4/10

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