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Shane's Bike


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on sunday i went for a ride with a lad off here called shane i took some pics for him and thought i would share with you all:





while we was there we also met these to lads and here are there bikes:



the ride was really really good i did a couple of things that i havent done befor so i was really happy with myslef everyone that came and we met randomly lol rode really well

cant wait for next time (Y)


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no man sorry

just open the image then right click and save picture as it will work like that

sorry bout that good ride though will have to go again soon when i get my new bike :D


The white does look photo shopped but could just be the light, and the other chainstay? looks like a chainstay protector to me.

thats because it is a chainstay shane tell them that the bike was actualy white lol

Edited by rider_01
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The white bikes been photoshopped for sure

Photoshopped, you missed the other chainstay :lol:

One of the fork blades is purple also


its a pissing chainstay protector! also he has one on his fork (stops forks looking like mine!) get your facts straight before you continuously accuse someone of lying/photoshopping a bike!

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The white does look photo shopped but could just be the light, and the other chainstay? looks like a chainstay protector to me.

Aye, but whys the other fork blade purple? and the chainstay looks too black to be a chainstay protector

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its a pissing chainstay protector! also he has one on his fork (stops forks looking like mine!) get your facts straight before you continuously accuse someone of lying/photoshopping a bike!

Shut up you f**king nob, it's my opinion and i'm entitled to it, retard

Edited by elcristoff-t-pro
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Aye, but whys the other fork blade purple? and the chainstay looks too black to be a chainstay protector

oh man, if i ever meet you im going to have to punch you! nothing personal mind, just the fact your a moron

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Yes sean,sorry for my spelling mistakes im rushing and a bit tired,yes it was a very good ride,we will have to go soon when you get you new bike,next time i go im going to up my limit a bit e.g that drop gap you did,stuff like that,as for people saying the white bike has been photoshoped it has not,i rode it,why would he photoshop someone else's bike,on the fork it had like a purple net over it?.thanks shane,ps keep your replies coming in,and could someone please open all four pictures of my zoo,bacause when i click on the link to open them my computer freezes for some reason.

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Hi,could someone please open the pictures of my bike,bacause i can't see them,my computer will not let me click on the title to open them,if you can actually do that im pretty sure you can do that,if you can it would be ace,thanks shane.

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