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Old Skool Or New Skool ?


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Hi !

Just wondering if any of you out there are from the old skool era like me ? been riding for around 7 years but only just got back into riding recently as i had my very own baby Echo EM2R stolen in august last year. So much has changed in the last 12 months of trials !

I miss my baby


(now riding an '04 T-Pro wit some upgrade's)

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me and a couple of lads around newark started riding 5/6 years ago but stopped riding for ages!

We have just all started riding agen and theres so many different moves (side hops, Taps for example)

Its taking me quite a few goes to get used to these new skool moves!

Trials has taken such a big turn in the last couple of years, Its mint!

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  Ghetto Rider said:
New Skool so much easier and better for trials, makes things so much simpler! (Y)

tis true...i think the way to define old skool is:

bikes with PROPER seats and short wb, no bb+ and longish chainstays.

riding styles that doesn't involve sidehops, taps, hooking and front wheel moves..

correct me if im wrong..


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I'm old skool, was riding when Hans Rey was bringing out vid's like Monkey say Monkey do, when bikes had seats (Zasker le) and when doing a wheelee was top dog. Oh yeah and dirty tricks and cunning stunts ruled the waves. The year 1994 is when I started untill i had my bike stolen from my kitchen at new year this year.

got a new whip now just waiting for www.Tartybikes.co.uk to delilver my lamb, chicken and fish then I'm out.

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