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Community officers = Rent a cops

It really is true that most of them are just power-mad arseholes. Although a while ago one was being cool and asking if discs were effective (when they were newish on bikes) and he didn't even mention than none of us had lights and I didn't have a front break. haha. Also yeah, you can just ride away from them, I've done it a few times, just act as if you can't hear them and ride off.

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Generally all my experiences with the police (ive had loads!) have ended with me getting away alright!

And these are traffic offenses, dangerous driving (motorbike), speeding, wheelies n plenty more. All I've found you have to never admit you have done anything!

"You were doing 55 in a 30 zone, why?

"Oh, I was just doing what I thought was safe, its 3am, had my eyes glued on the road too much to look at the speedo, and when I saw a car in my mirror right up my arse I just wanted to shake it! Had no idea you were the police"

Somehow that got me off nicely haha!

Just be understanding, if they arnt seen doing their job, they get in the shit, just like us! So just talk nice and understanding, treat them like any other person, agree with them, and get your arse out of there without causing trouble!!

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We don't tend to get too much trouble from Mr. Plod round our way. The last time was a couple of months back when they screeched to a halt in the car park by where we were riding and proceeded to ask us stupid questions like 'why we ride how we do' and, 'do we think it's clever to jump on benches?'. They didn't have any reason to bother us, just obviously had nothing better to do. I find it annoying how when we're doing nothing wrong we get shit from them and when we need them they're too busy! I had my bike stolen a while back- from inside my house but when I called them would they do anything... would they f**k!

The police to me are like that kid at school who everyone took the piss out of behind his back and was nice to when he was about. I'll be polite, but only to avoid getting arrested for something like not having a bell attached to my handlebars.

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great bit of info, next time a copper trys to stop me i will say: "a 20" bike is classed as a kids bike" copper says "yes" i say "im only a child i didnt realise im not allowed to ride on these walls"

lol i hope this works rather than getting me a fine:lol:

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Hehe, Autumn last year as it was beginning to get dark, I was on my jump bike with my lights and plod pulled up to me.

He asked to see my lights so I pointed at them, he said "They're not very visible, you best stick to the pavement".

After reading some of these internet articles, I believe if the act/law of the fixed penalty notice that was put in place on the 1st of August 1999 still has the same requirements in order for someone to recieve a fixed fine, then I cannot be fined or prosecuted as I am under 16.

But I don't know if the ruling has changed since then, the fine may apply to under 16's now.

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Its true about the 19in wheel and the seat tube,

But no bike, kids, adult, ridden on the road or on pavement can be ridden without a rear reflector thats in clear view.

so even if you blow them away with your knowlege of the cycling laws, if the poilce want to fine you their more than likely to get you for that!

duno about you but i certainly dont have a rear reflector on my mod lol

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its all too random this is, every copper seems to act different towards us. some dont give a shit, and like in a nearby town, there dishing out fines and taking bikes off the riders.

yet in our town centre of burnley theres signs with bikes in them, letting pedestrians know that theres going to be bikes there. yet we get told to piss off as theres no bikes allowed at all even when jus walking along with them. **theres a f**king sign you .....** so i scratch the seat off the bike sign, problem solved....or not

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after school a year or so back someone was riding home on the pavement and a community support officer tried to fine him, the guy spat in his face and rode off. the guy tracked him through our school and he got taken to court.

dont spit in policemens faces

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Its true about the 19in wheel and the seat tube,

Where does it say that?

Think the whole purpose of this thread is to clear up the misconceptions that people have of the law, to not only help us, but also to stop us from looking stupid by making up mythical laws.

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No cycling: sign053hp9.th.gif

Cycle route ahead: sign110eb7.th.gif

Route recommended for cyclists: sign171mv5.th.gif

So really the bottom one is the only one saying that you can ride there

(And I'm not insulting your intelligence, I'm simply trying to clear up what you mean, and give a bit of information) :P

I think the top one should have a red line through it as to not confuse people.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I asked my girlfriends dad and he said, no one is allowed to ride on the pavement, no matter what bike or what age. the law stands for everyone he said. so this thread is out the window lol


I know he's a policeman and all, but he is actually wrong. I looked into this a few years ago and found out from a website about laws that, If a bicycle has atleast one wheel smaller than 20" (non-inclusive) then it is classed as a kids bike and therefore allowed on the pavement. I also looked into the rumor about having a certain size seatpost allows you to ride on the path, this however is just a rumor. The law only states about the WHEEL SIZE and nothingelse.

Thats should clear people up about the law.

However, you are riding on walls and other such obstacles, and so to the police they will class this as criminal damage, EVEN if you'r not causing any damage. they will also claim that what you'r doing is a nuisance to the public and unsafe, and so for those reason's, they will move you on or fine you (unless your under 16). If you try talking to them about having no were to go, majority of the time, they'll tell you to go to the local skate park, don't say that you don't ride skate park's because they will take it that you'r answering back and then do you for it. There are the odd few officer's that are polite and friendly and will just move you or listen to what you have to say. Generally depends on how many rider's there are at the time.

Hope this helps and clears a few things up.

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I looked into this a few years ago and found out from a website about laws that, If a bicycle has atleast one wheel smaller than 20" (non-inclusive) then it is classed as a kids bike and therefore allowed on the pavement. I also looked into the rumor about having a certain size seatpost allows you to ride on the path, this however is just a rumor. The law only states about the WHEEL SIZE and nothingelse.

Thats should clear people up about the law.

Can you link to anything to corroborate that though? So far this page has been linked to and it makes no mention about wheel size.

Anybody know what the marks scheme (or equivalent criteria) for the cycling proficiency test is?

Wiki gives:

* Theory Paper - this consists of twenty questions on topics such as the Highway Code, safe cycling practice, and simple cycle maintenance

* Slow Speed Control

* Dismount and Park

* Emergency Stop

* Starting Off

* The Left Hand Turn

* The Right Hand Turn

But I want to know how much fun I could have if I did it :P

Does emergency stop == endo? :P

Edited by Anjow
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sorry but if you are over the age of like ten ,why do you need to ride on the pavement are you not man enough to ride on the road?still have stabilisers on your bike? if you get fined for ridding on the path then deal with it. if you shouldnt be on the path tough s**t.ive been fined loads i dont moan about it because iam in the wrong and am man enough to accept ive done wrong and i pay the fine. i think this whole under 20" rule is nonense i think its very much overexagerated and proberbly dosent exist ,just people cant admit their fault and pronounce the whole "my bike is under20inch" thing. i have asked a number of policemen/women about it and they have never heard of it and iam pretty sure that they would know.

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As i am really bored i have read this whole topic and it seems to me that the whole police force of the nation are a set of corrupt t*ats and all laws surrounding cycling should be revised and we should get our needs in there such as riding trials and not be collared for being on a wall and something.


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As i am really bored i have read this whole topic and it seems to me that the whole police force of the nation are a set of corrupt t*ats and all laws surrounding cycling should be revised and we should get our needs in there such as riding trials and not be collared for being on a wall and something.


Instead of loudly pointing out what an arse you sound I'll assume you're 15 and don't get raped for £150 a month on council tax to pay for the maintenance of public property, I'll also assume you've never lived anywhere where they actually have corrupt police and therefore have no idea at all what you're talking about

curtis makes sense - you do not.

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