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i just got a f**king fine!!

that bald b*****d sure gets around. hes in ipswich apprently.

gave me a £30 fine for bumping onto the pavement to enter the shop where i work!!

i hate it, stupid power hungry pigs

You can have that revoked. Cars bump onto the pavement to park, but you don't see them getting fined. Blatently, SCREW the pigs. Go and complain, and threaten legal action, they'll soon back down =)

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people saying tough, its a law.

Have you ever road on a busy road on a mod??

Its THE scariest thing ever!

Aslong as you are riding on the pavement reclesly and it isnt busy, i dont see all the fuss. I tend to walk on the pavement if its dead busy anyway

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i just got a f**king fine!!

that bald b*****d sure gets around. hes in ipswich apprently.

gave me a £30 fine for bumping onto the pavement to enter the shop where i work!!

i hate it, stupid power hungry pigs

Yeah, one of my mates brothers got a fine for cycling onto the pavement to get to a cashpoint, and my mate got one for cycling from the bike locks in a pedestrian area back onto the road. Some coppers are compleate asswholes, but the majority are fine if you're polite and respectfull to them.

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Yeah, one of my mates brothers got a fine for cycling onto the pavement to get to a cashpoint, and my mate got one for cycling from the bike locks in a pedestrian area back onto the road. Some coppers are compleate asswholes, but the majority are fine if you're polite and respectfull to them.

That is the biggest farse in the world. It's like doing motorbike users for riding on the pavement to get into their drive.

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i just got a f**king fine!!

that bald b*****d sure gets around. hes in ipswich apprently.

gave me a £30 fine for bumping onto the pavement to enter the shop where i work!!

i hate it, stupid power hungry pigs

As Hendrixmaster said- write a letter complaining about unfair treatment to the chief cuntstable at the station. Make it polite and informative stating why you don't think it was reasonable and then keep your fingers crossed...


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Regarding the riding on the pavement bit, I guess it depends upon the definition of a bicycle.

If it's as per the british standards (which I can't get access to at the moment as I've lost my account) then most trials bikes wouldn't come under the specification but it could be the police use a more general description. I'm guessing that's where the 20" thing may come into play.

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It's all bollocks.

I've been riding on the pavement for as many years as I can remember, and I can tell you right now that the cops don't know their arses from their elbows when it comes to the law on such matters. You ask them what the law is on it, and then to PROVE it, and they won't be able to unless they are REALLY on the ball. They'll be able to recite word for word the flavour-of-the-month laws like ASBOs and that, but riding on the pavement? Nah. They have bigger fish to fry. You could probably blag that 20" IS allowed on the pavement, and when they argue ask em to prove it. Pretty sure they wouldn't bother.

But that's beside the point. Use common sense, you see a cop you stop riding and start walking, or at least slow the fook down to walking pace and look well in control (which always seems to work for me). If you're blasting through a busy town centre spinning like a madman, then yeah, they're gonna give you grief.

But yeah, if you're riding ON shit, you will also get given grief. At the end of the day benches/walls/whatever ain't designed for trials use, and that's all that they care about.

Same applies, see a cop, stop until they've buggered off. And preferably tell the people you're riding with there's a copper in the area; the longer cops in your area stay ignorant of the fact that trials riders exist in your town, the better.

Also, ironically I see cops on 26" full bounce Konas razzing around Birmingham city centre on the pavement/large pedestrianised shopping areas. Pretty sure their footbound colleagues ain't gonna stop them and fine 'em any time soon.

The whole thing is just one massive grey area, and it ain't gonna get clarified any time soon because the people who do said clarifying have way bigger fish to fry.

You can always try the "what damage am I doing and who am I annoying?" line on cops if they try to fine you though. Be polite until they ask for cash, then protest like a b*****d...but intelligently.

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Hehe, I never did that cycling preficency (sp?) at school. So apparently because i havent got that bit of paper saying ive passed i'm not allowed to ride on the road so I have to ride on the pavement.

if you or your bike isn't allowed on the road, you should be PUSHING your bike on the pavement. i think there was a big thing like this about lack of saddles on trials bikes, and no front brakes on street bikes a year or two ago. so i don't see why they aren't fining people for riding on the road without saddles either?!

this all sounds like a loud o crap anyways. if you get fined, contest it. if they can't prove a law, get it in writing and take it to a solicitor or something. as soon as someone stands up to these one or two cops who are getting off on giving kids fines, and proves em wrong it'll soon stop. no need for 3 pages of people thinking they know better. go prove it, and show us you balls!


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i was there on sunday and got a fine as well, £30 was very annoying.. It did seem like in this case the police powan (well PCSO) was out to fine us and no polite words would have put her off.. We had a long convo with her, (i wasnt pleased and was trying to argue the fact that it wasnt really a crime) she brought up the point that skateboarders cant be fined, which is interesting because they probably cause as much, possible more damage to objects (benches, walls etc..) but they cant be fined at all!!

The police woman even fined 2 older couples just cycling through a carpark by the monument/sea front we were riding at, (that would have put a dent in a couples afternoon ride along the seafront). It was a poorly signposted no ride area, and i think in this case the PCSO was just out to cause some annoyance, usually coppers are nice and a simple move on with surfice,,



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Quick question... these 'Community Officer' types... are they actually police officers? Or are they wannabe police who failed the IQ test and don't want to be a security guard? Just wondering if you can just ride away from them without being in the sh*t.


As far as I know they've got no powers to arrest or detain you. Legally speaking I think they're basically just traffic wardens with a direct line to proper coppers.

Just riding away might work out fine if you're lucky - they wouldn't be allowed to use any force to stop you but then again they could call a proper copper who's more than entitled to batter you if you try and leg it.

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Quick question... these 'Community Officer' types... are they actually police officers? Or are they wannabe police who failed the IQ test and don't want to be a security guard? Just wondering if you can just ride away from them without being in the sh*t.


i think the most they can do is ask you to wait while a copper comes... they could do a citizens arrest i suppose!

Community Officers are crap!

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Hehe, I never did that cycling preficency (sp?) at school. So apparently because i havent got that bit of paper saying ive passed i'm not allowed to ride on the road so I have to ride on the pavement.

I'd left school before they did it. And I've never done it =)

OH DEAR, I seem to be breaking the law.... my ARSE! ;-)

I did the London to Brighton Bike Rally, and they never asked to see anything - it's just not common knowledge.. so, in my eyes, doesn't exist ;)

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I must admit, the only trouble i've ever had in terms of argumentative 'cops' have been from the PCSO's. Real cops are usually polite and a bit more considerate, and actually show some manners as they usually know you're not some drugged up, theiving, under age pisshead. PCSO's are on some powertrip as they're annoyed they didnt make the grade.

When greeted by a PCSO with a gruff "get off your bike" i instantly questioned him and kept asking him the reason (which i later found out was 'cycling on the pavement' - when i was sitting on my bike with my feet on the floor). Whenever other cops show up and say something like 'afternoon lads, you know what i'm gonna say dont you?' I'll say yeah, and usually have a chat then ask where we should go to avoid hassle before going somewhere else.

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just got in. was flashed and sirened by a police car. crossed the pavement, crossed the road, back onto pavement right in front of them. with no front light on. with my headphones in. ignored them and rode straight to my front door. they sat at the driveway for a split second before tearing off again. can't be THAT big an issue to them then, can it?

if theres one or two knobbers giving out ticketsall the time, just ask for their badge number and name, and report them. if they refuse, they're witholding info your entitled too, and breaking the law themselves. they're just power tripping and being arseholes. most police are sound. the few exceptions need to be put in their place. PROTECT AND SERVE and all that. not spoil innocent peoples afternoon


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Anybody know what the marks scheme (or equivalent criteria) for the cycling proficiency test is?

Wiki gives:

* Theory Paper - this consists of twenty questions on topics such as the Highway Code, safe cycling practice, and simple cycle maintenance

* Slow Speed Control

* Dismount and Park

* Emergency Stop

* Starting Off

* The Left Hand Turn

* The Right Hand Turn

But I want to know how much fun I could have if I did it :P

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Anybody know what the marks scheme (or equivalent criteria) for the cycling proficiency test is?

Wiki gives:

* Theory Paper - this consists of twenty questions on topics such as the Highway Code, safe cycling practice, and simple cycle maintenance

* Slow Speed Control

* Dismount and Park

* Emergency Stop

* Starting Off

* The Left Hand Turn

* The Right Hand Turn

But I want to know how much fun I could have if I did it :P

Well, aparantly you're not supposed to stand up whilst on your bike either,,thats what we got told whilst doing it. Basically, it's soo easy, I passed it with no major or minor faults and I only taught myself how to ride a bike the same year.

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I must admit, the only trouble i've ever had in terms of argumentative 'cops' have been from the PCSO's. Real cops are usually polite and a bit more considerate, and actually show some manners as they usually know you're not some drugged up, theiving, under age pisshead. PCSO's are on some powertrip as they're annoyed they didnt make the grade.

When greeted by a PCSO with a gruff "get off your bike" i instantly questioned him and kept asking him the reason (which i later found out was 'cycling on the pavement' - when i was sitting on my bike with my feet on the floor). Whenever other cops show up and say something like 'afternoon lads, you know what i'm gonna say dont you?' I'll say yeah, and usually have a chat then ask where we should go to avoid hassle before going somewhere else.

Yeap, typically cop wannabes are more aggressives and discussion goes nowhere.

I reckon that not arguing aimlessly or for the sake of it with cops is part of giving a good image of the sport, hence, supporting it. If the cops constantly get abuse from kids on trials bikes, you can be sure they'll pick up the trend, and even ortherwise decent cops will look at you with a bad eye. And the best way to protect a riding spot is not to argue over it, but just move on and pretend this is not a problem (yeah right, it's your best spot in town, tough luck, come back in an hour or at night)

For the pavement thing, well, as long, as you are not on a hyperspeed pedestrian killer mission, scaring the shit of everyone, just slow down when you see cops... no argument, everybody's happy.

(never got fined in the UK)

Edited by TrashZen
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hahaha, i remember one summer we were riding morecambe, and luke and the bradford lot had come down.

Police woman/ community woman on a bike came over and started givin us the 1 2. cant remember what exactly happened but luke is a f**king god haha, all i can remember is pissin myself laughing and this woman getting very angry and calling for backup.

ahh the good old days

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We were out one winter night, and the copper got out of his car and walked up to us, he said "alright lads, how you doing? Can you tell me one thing you haven't got on your bikes then..?" (obviously meaning lights). Before you can even blink my mate blurted out "Seatbelts?!". Shoulda seen the coppers face :lol: :lol:

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