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Contaminated Petrol


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Here's an update:

Our car came back from the garage yesterday with the following bill, slightly cheaper than expected:

Diagnostic check £40

O2 sensor £71.25

Fuel £10 (new)

Contaminated fuel £12 (disposal / Storage of sample?)

Labour £69

VAT at 17.5%

Total = £237.65

The roving reporter that I am, tonight I spoke to the manager of Cambourne Morrisons about the contaminated fuel issue. Here are some bullet points from what he told me (some of his claims to be substantiated)

  • Trading standards until now didn't test for silicon in petrol, hence the earlier claims that petrol had passed all tests.
  • He won't fill up at Tescos because he knows of 3 local garages where they haven't cleaned out the tanks but instead have poured petrol over the top.
  • Morrisons head office is dealing direct with customers regarding car repair claims and our local store will forward claims.
  • To claim they require receipts for work done and petrol (bank account print outs are ok)
  • He has had no assurances from Head office that they will sort this out.
I found this press release from Greenergy, the supplier of Tescos and Morrisons petrol in the South East. Released on the 2nd of March at 9pm. Seems a clear admission of contaminated petrol being supplied. (PDF file)


The evidence is clear, and although Morrisons haven't handled it well I have no doubt I'll be getting my repairs paid for soon (or at some point before the end of the year) and any one else in a similar position should too :)


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Gees, cut them some slack, maybe they had a baby or had to move house or something!!! ;)

Sorry steve I couldn't resist....

Edited by jake1516
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I finally got in contact with my mobile mechanic to sort my car out, he agreed with Prawn - petrol wouldn't have gone through the lines that quickly after filling up. Looks like my cars just playing up at a coincidentally suspicious time. Hopefully its just something simple in ignition system

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