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..My Cat was put down =(

15 years old - has suffered a serious Brain Stroke.. and couldn't hear or see anything last night.

Most difficult thing I've ever had to do :(

Lost two pets in under a year now. My dog the day before my b-day... and now the cat (N)

Things can only get better yeah (Y) ?

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goddamn I always feel so bad when I hear this kind of news...

Animals really are great companions, I have a dog myself and I can't imagine how it would be to lose him

And deciding to put him down yourself must have been so hard, but you did the right thing, he would

have only been in pain more

Good luck with everything from now on dude

Edited by Meteor~
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Damn, sorry to hear that man. Me and the family are big cat lovers, and we lost two of our three within a very short time, like 3 weeks or something. One was pretty old, about 14 i think, and hadn't been well for a while. Got to the point where it was unfair to let him go on, so had to have him put down. And the other was only young, 3 years old. Was a bit funny one day, and by the next morning, couldn't even get up. Had a kidney problem, and just lost her within a few minutes. Not good

I feel you're pain man. Get yourself another one in good time, it'll cheer you up no end. Our new one is an absolute idiot and keeps getting himself stuck in boxes and bags and stuff. Keeps us amused :D


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Had my boxer dog put down about 6 months ago, Still miss her to bits, as she was a legend. She used to hate me, and my other dog, but it was quite bad, i still feel asif i never greived as i never once shed a tear when she died, never mind hey.

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I know the feeling dude, I had a dog from when I was 5 up until two years ago (For those that don't know, that's 15 years) and he got so bad he couldn't stand up, used to wet himself and that... was really upset about that because he was literally like a brother!

Some people do think you're nuts but pets like that are pretty much family.

I still miss him now actually, got his pic on the wall and everything.

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Had one of our dogs put down because it was about sixteen million years old and could barely do anything...If I had a dog that I like (pitbull or doberman) Then I would cry when it died,sorry to hear about your cat.

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Half way throguh my TEE exams (as in the final school leaving exams whatever you call them over there) last yr, I came home from an exam to find that my parents had put my dog down. She was 15 and we got her as a puppy when I was 2. It wasn't nice..

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