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A Levels

Nick Garland

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Er Nick, we get em like a week early. :turned:

I got

73/100 in Decision Maths 1, B

73/100 in Mechanics Maths, B

45/100 in Core Maths 2, E

56/100 in Physics, D (f**king annoyed, got a B in the coursework, but the exam was bent)

57/90 in General Studies, C

Pleased about the two Bs in maths, brought me up to a C in As and well on track for a C this year as well, so long as I actually work for Core 3 & 4.

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Business Unit 1 - 59/90 - 66% - C

Business Unit 4 - 67/90 - 74% - B

Economics Unit 1 - 65/90 - 72% - B

Economics Unit 2 - 81/90 - 90% - A+

Economics Unit 4 - 56/90 - 62% - C

Design and Technology resit - 56 C

Happy with economics, to say I was on U U D, overall grade E- last year, and now i'm on C+ all together.

Business unit 1 is a piss-take. Resit too, easiest exam ever and I got a C, I'm getting it back for my teacher to have a look though :D

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  Robwalker said:
U in psycology

U in ICT

U in Pysics

f**king pissed off the least. The cost of f**king resits is bollaks. Grrrrrrrrrr :(

Its like £11 an exam. A levels are easy, the ICT one especially... if you'd tried harder you'd not have to spend so much ;)

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Geography Investigation - 56 out of something, was a C. Might retake it as i'm not very happy with it.

Business Unit 1 - 65/90 (72%) B. Really happy with this as i didn't do business for GCSE, and thought i wouldn't do too well :)

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  Krisboats said:
Its like £11 an exam. A levels are easy, the ICT one especially... if you'd tried harder you'd not have to spend so much ;)

ICT - £18

Psycology - £18

Pysics - £16


Dont get f**king Ema, have to slave my arse away working, and spent most of this month money already. Yeah true if i had tried harder i wouldnt have to spend so much. But its not asif i was even close to getting a E. Starting to doubt wether the retakes are going to be worth it. Worst thing is im gunna have to ask my parents to lend me the money, and there going to go spare about my results. Also it has to be paid by next friday otherwise its double fee. f**king school is bollaks

Im so pissed off though, last year in ICT i got a B, and then in Business and communication (Business related ICT) i got an A. Ive also got full marks on one bit of my coursework this year. Im jus so f**king frustrated at the moment. Arrrrrgh

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Accounting - U

Business - U

Accounting resit - B

Gutted to say the least, but i had a total memory loss on accounting so that wasn't a suprise.

Not sure about law because they haven't been released at our college but the teachers have them.

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  Robwalker said:
ICT - £18

Psycology - £18

Pysics - £16


Dont get f**king Ema, have to slave my arse away working, and spent most of this month money already. Yeah true if i had tried harder i wouldnt have to spend so much. But its not asif i was even close to getting a E. Starting to doubt wether the retakes are going to be worth it. Worst thing is im gunna have to ask my parents to lend me the money, and there going to go spare about my results. Also it has to be paid by next friday otherwise its double fee. f**king school is bollaks

Im so pissed off though, last year in ICT i got a B, and then in Business and communication (Business related ICT) i got an A. Ive also got full marks on one bit of my coursework this year. Im jus so f**king frustrated at the moment. Arrrrrgh

Thats a skank, when i did my retakes it was a max of £13 and it was only last year. Maths ones were like £8... might as well re-do it then use whichevers best.

To be fair though, A level ICT isn't really about computers, you can know how to completely build a computer and how to program, yet if you don't know the different levels of administration in your local somerfield branch and how they might use the pc's then your screwed.

I always liked the "list ten ways of making a computing environment safer"....

no sharp corners on desks,

correct height chairs

well lit room to avoid eyestrain.....



Absolutely nothing to do with what i thought ICT was :lol:

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  Krisboats said:
Thats a skank, when i did my retakes it was a max of £13 and it was only last year. Maths ones were like £8... might as well re-do it then use whichevers best.

To be fair though, A level ICT isn't really about computers, you can know how to completely build a computer and how to program, yet if you don't know the different levels of administration in your local somerfield branch and how they might use the pc's then your screwed.

I always liked the "list ten ways of making a computing environment safer"....

no sharp corners on desks,

correct height chairs

well lit room to avoid eyestrain.....



Absolutely nothing to do with what i thought ICT was :lol:

ICT isn't ICT anymore - it's bloody health and safty!

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  Robwalker said:
Yeeeeesh jus got stoned to get over these f**kin results. f**kin schol and teachers can go f**k emselfs, Havnt even told my rents yet haha. Im in so much shitt, but i dont care im too chilled to care about anythig right now.

Maybe you should think about taking some responsibility for yourself? Try at school, get good grades, go into a good job / uni, start earning a lot of money?

Or you could just be another f**king benefit claimer. Nice one. Make my taxes go up all 'cos you're too lazy to try...

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  Nick Carter said:
Maybe you should think about taking some responsibility for yourself? Try at school, get good grades, go into a good job / uni, start earning a lot of money?

Or you could just be another f**king benefit claimer. Nice one. Make my taxes go up all 'cos you're too lazy to try...

exactly, exams aren't that difficult, some of my coursework went missing and i didn't have enough time to redo it, and my results showed for it, but i still passed everything easily, just gotta put some effort in rather than expecting to do well...you wont regret staying in and swotting down. its not gonna hurt you to study and it'll benefit you more than those drunken evenings that you can barely remember what happens, finding out the next day, that you got with a minger. i certainly wish i had put more effort in (just cos it would give me a far better choice if universities), you don't realise til afterwards, how bloody easy it is, and how easy you had it!

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  Nick Carter said:
another f**king benefit claimer. Nice one. Make my taxes go up all 'cos you're too lazy to try...

nice to see we're all still bigoted.

i got an A for my english module

C for my media resit ( 2 marks higher this time! )

and a U for the media module this year. although resits should be a beast.

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  Michael Singleton said:

I did absolutely zero work outside of lessons, and likewise absolutely zero revision outside of lessons.


teacher's pet? :P

exam on mechanics and shit on tues, and linear algebra on sat next week. noes. well worried about the mech one in particular.

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