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Why Dont Czar Make 20" Frames?


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I'm sure Deng is browsing the forum this very second to give you the answer.

In case Mr Hermance is also reading this topic, I'll ask why he doesn't make 20" Coustellier frames and a 24" Hosel promodel.

The 2007 Czars will have totally different geometry as I've heard... short wheelbase, low rise and long rear end.

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Deng does not make 20" czars because the 26" are crap and they are are not as popular as his other frames such as echo or zoo!. also if he did make a 20" model, would anyone be interested?


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At a gues it's cos the BB rise would be about +90 if it was modeled anything like that stock.

But yeh if there was a mod with normal geometry i'd have one....

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deng has the mod market dialed anyway. theres not much need for him to make another mod frame, think how many riders on here ride a zoo/gu/echo/adamant mods compared to montys or onzas (onzas probably beat them unless you only cound people who specifically bought an onza frame). would be prety cool though.

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