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One Last Mix For Y'all


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Starts off with a blinding version of Grace Kelly - even if you hate the song, hear this, it's wicked. Goes into Perfect / Exceeder by Mason vs Princess superstar. That's where the poppy stuff ends.

After that it's plain madness, breakbeat and other stuff.

Then the last 10 mins is what I call "end of the world" - you'll see why.

Have a listen :)



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I would have hosted it on my business server but I haven't had time to be honest so cheers for uploading it Danny :)

Yeah the volume thing is really weird, it seems ok after a while (Or do you just get used to it?)

I used to mix drum & bass but the scene is too chavvy now - if you go to a dnb rave it's just a sea of Nike TN caps - not my cup of tea at all.

Any comments about the scratching? Should I have left it out or does it make it more interesting?

And the Grace Kelly remix is stonking no? Can't get enough of that tune - play it on a big system and the bass is immense. And I don't mean immense sub bass, I mean accurate bass that kind of ripples rather than a continual low frequency noise. (So hard to explain...)

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Listened to bits of it before going to bed yesterday and I thought it was great. Going to download it and listen to the whole thing now.

41:30 - what's that?

47:00 - and that?

Bloody good actually, just recorded it onto my ipod and went riding, superb job! Your best mix yet.

Edited by Inur
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