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Are These Compatible And How?


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As long as the lens has threads on the front all you will need is

- a threads adapter ( if threads sizes are diffrent )

- and if the threads are the wrong type some times you need another adapter to convert the thread types

I know both those things sound the same but 1 is the size of thread and the other is the type of thread.

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Right, the fisheye is Series 7 fitting, which is a standard threadsize. What you need is one single adapter to go from Series 7 to whatever threadsize the lens is. I'm guessing it's about 50mm, but your best bet would be to take the lens into a camera shop and ask them to find you a Series 7 adapter that'll fit it, or alternatively look up the lens on the web and try and find the filter thread size.

An adapter shouldn't cost more than £3-4.

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Right, the fisheye is Series 7 fitting, which is a standard threadsize. What you need is one single adapter to go from Series 7 to whatever threadsize the lens is. I'm guessing it's about 50mm, but your best bet would be to take the lens into a camera shop and ask them to find you a Series 7 adapter that'll fit it, or alternatively look up the lens on the web and try and find the filter thread size.

An adapter shouldn't cost more than £3-4.

Thats what i was looking for couldn't remember the name knew it was something 7 :)

Thats what i meant when saying about thread types.

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Should be simple enough to do. I used one now and then on my Pentax 35mm SLR. Wasn't ideal, having a big heavy fisheye screwed onto the end of a zoom lens, but it worked. Photos might not come out that sharp either, especially at the sides, but it's experimentation, and for the price of an adapter ring it's worth having a play with.

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